In the first episode Emily/Alicent was 17 ( she is 18 now )
Who is that zombie behind Alcocks?
Also, they can make this man look like hes been feeding on dead ass for 400 years who is younger than me even but can't make bishes appear their actual age( in Alcocks case )????
The straight up character assassination continues this episode as well i see. They keep changing all the characters and their actions and motivations, in some feminist effort to make rhaenyra what, likeable?
So much effort to change Rhaenyra into a mary sue, into a likeable character. She isn't fucking likeable, shes a cunt and a whore who gets fat as fuck, alienates all of her friends and allies, is hated by all and is cheered when she gets eaten by a dragon. But with all the changes theyve made it seems they want her to win cus woman i guess.
When they actress swap for the time jump they better have cast some fatass bitch as the new Rhaenyra or whats the point.
Oh if you think the above is a spoiler
it's not. Nobody wins the dance of dragons. Everyone dies. It was just a quick and lazy way for grrm to get rid of the dragons in his fantasy series so he could focus more on politics without one of the houses having nukes.
There are no winners of this civil war, only survivors. And the survivors aren't even born yet. Hell the principle characters of this war arent even born yet or are just babies at this point in the show, and they and their children all die too. Of the entire cast of this show both named and unnamed characters, they all fucking die. Only black snake moan (spends the majority of the war in the black cells as a prisoner multiple times) and queen alicent survive. Everyone, and i do mean everyone, else dies. All the current cast? Dies. Big name Hollywood star cast for next season? Dies. Unnamed background extra without a speaking role who just serves food to someone in a 3 second scene? Dies.
The straight up character assassination continues this episode as well i see. They keep changing all the characters and their actions and motivations, in some feminist effort to make rhaenyra what, likeable?
So much effort to change Rhaenyra into a mary sue, into a likeable character. She isn't fucking likeable, shes a cunt and a whore who gets fat as fuck, alienates all of her friends and allies, is hated by all and is cheered when she gets eaten by a dragon. But with all the changes theyve made it seems they want her to win cus woman i guess.
When they actress swap for the time jump they better have cast some fatass bitch as the new Rhaenyra or whats the point.
Oh if you think the above is a spoiler
it's not. Nobody wins the dance of dragons. Everyone dies. It was just a quick and lazy way for grrm to get rid of the dragons in his fantasy series so he could focus more on politics without one of the houses having nukes.
There are no winners of this civil war, only survivors. And the survivors aren't even born yet. Hell the principle characters of this war arent even born yet or are just babies at this point in the show, and they and their children all die too. Of the entire cast of this show both named and unnamed characters, they all fucking die. Only black snake moan (spends the majority of the war in the black cells as a prisoner multiple times) and queen alicent survive
In the first episode Emily/Alicent was 17 ( she is 18 now )
Who is that zombie behind Alcocks?
Also, they can make this man look like hes been feeding on dead ass for 400 years who is younger than me even but can't make bishes appear their actual age( in Alcocks case )???? View attachment 434168
In what world is Rhaenya a Mary Sue lol, that term is starting to lose all meaning. Oh I guess she is real good out of nowhere alienating Alicent and Cole.
"They are trying to make her likable" okkkkkkkkk right after she strips the virtue of her personal Kingsguard, lies to her best friend on her mothers memory, tries to fuck her uncle, laughs in Cole's face when he tries to reclaim his honor, mopes about all the time even though her father has gone to great lengths to set her up with WHOEVER she wants. Hell next episode they already showed her three kids with brown hair, which means she lied to Laenor about doing their duties, she just flat doesnt give a fuck. Yea I am really rooting for her, infact I feel most sorry for Alicent at this point since she has to fuck a dude who is literally rotting away and she hates it.
You can look up the new actress' promo images for both Rhaenya and Alicent they were published before the show started. The super uglified Rhaeyna like they were supposed to.
The biggest change was Cole killing Joffery at a feast instead of a tournament, and I kind of liked how they handled it since Joffery was trying to be a bro and Cole raged out cause Rhaenya has fucked with him to the point where he wants to kill himself and she was still making "fuck me" eyes at him during the feast.
Stop watching this shit 3rd hand, I cant imagine you would feel this way if you actually watched this show.
Put a fat suit on that uggo to simulate a trailer park whore who has 7 fuckings kids and eats cake as her only pleasure while her husband fucks dudes (1st husband) or whores (2nd) and they seem to have perfectly cast queen Rhaenyra.
Put a fat suit on that uggo to simulate a trailer park whore who has 7 fuckings kids and eats cake as her only pleasure while her husband fucks dudes (1st husband) or whores (2nd) and they seem to have perfectly cast queen Rhaenyra.
In what world is Rhaenya a Mary Sue lol, that term is starting to lose all meaning. Oh I guess she is real good out of nowhere alienating Alicent and Cole.
"They are trying to make her likable" okkkkkkkkk right after she strips the virtue of her personal Kingsguard, lies to her best friend on her mothers memory, tries to fuck her uncle, laughs in Cole's face when he tries to reclaim his honor, mopes about all the time even though her father has gone to great lengths to set her up with WHOEVER she wants. Hell next episode they already showed her three kids with brown hair, which means she lied to Laenor about doing their duties, she just flat doesnt give a fuck. Yea I am really rooting for her, infact I feel most sorry for Alicent at this point since she has to fuck a dude who is literally rotting away and she hates it.
You can look up the new actress' promo images for both Rhaenya and Alicent they were published before the show started. The super uglified Rhaeyna like they were supposed to.
The biggest change was Cole killing Joffery at a feast instead of a tournament, and I kind of liked how they handled it since Joffery was trying to be a bro and Cole raged out cause Rhaenya has fucked with him to the point where he wants to kill himself and she was still making "fuck me" eyes at him during the feast.
Stop watching this shit 3rd hand, I cant imagine you would feel this way if you actually watched this show.
No its more about all the changes made for female empowerment in accordance with moderm feminist trash. The biggest change is her and cole fucking at all, that never fucking happens btw. Completely ruins his character now he is all mopey contemplating suicide, that dudes honor is never in question in the book thats why he turns against her to begin with.
But its the million little changes to all of the other characters so that rhaenyra gets to do whatever she wants and be as trashy as she wants and so "stunning and brave" with no consequences that makes her a mary sue. For example, her father doesn't go to great lengths to set her up with whoever she wants, those are all changes for the show.
No its more about all the changes made for female empowerment in accordance with moderm feminist trash. The biggest change is her and cole fucking at all, that never fucking happens btw. Completely ruins his character now he is all mopey contemplating suicide, that dudes honor is never in question in the book thats why he turns against her to begin with.
But its the million little changes to all of the other characters so that rhaenyra gets to do whatever she wants and be as trashy as she wants and so "stunning and brave" with no consequences that makes her a mary sue. For example, her father doesn't go to great lengths to set her up with whoever she wants, those are all changes for the show.
While I had no knowledge of any of the source material, I find her extremely unlikable. But I can very well see the view of her being a "bad bitch" feminist bullshit. Since some of the reviews say that and support it.
While I had no knowledge of any of the source material, I find her extremely unlikable. But I can very well see the view of her being a "bad bitch" feminist bullshit. Since some of the reviews say that and support it.
This pretty much. They are making changes to the show so that feminists can comment on it on twitter, so she can be held up as some kind of hero and justified, this unapologetic "bad bitch" who gets what she wants. To normal people shes a total cunt sure, but to clown world she is clearly the hero, protagonist, the good guy who wont stand by and let her birthright get stolen like her aunt did (corlys wife).
In the book, in her youth (the time period the show is currently set at) she is this darling princess beloved by all the realm. The king names her his heir to settle the issue with his brother because he has no son(yet), and all the lords swear on it (as none want daemon as king), and then it isnt mentioned again for 20 fucking years.
The men who swore that oath have mostly died and their sons arent so keen on a woman being heir over a true born son, the law of westeros since time fucking immemorial. The years haven't been kind to her and shes grown into this cold, jaded fat slob whos husband(s) prefer the company of others, who simply expects the throne to pass to her. Shes no longer the darling princess, no longer beloved by the people. That the king dies and the succession is not set in stone that even allows the civil war in the first place.
Even in the shitty summary which the book basically is, there is character development and nuance that they just completely overlook. They constantly remind the audience by having characters constantly discuss the succession, that she is the heir, to make her side seem right, cus she is woman hear her roar.
I think in the book, yes, but she lost the child. In the show, I dont think he ever did? He grabbed the egg hoping to get her pregnant, but I didn't think he was successful in the show.
I think in the book, yes, but she lost the child. In the show, I dont think he ever did? He grabbed the egg hoping to get her pregnant, but I didn't think he was successful in the show.
It does make sense though. Only knightly zealots are going to volunteer to be in an abstinent order like that, this dude took his oath seriously. He said himself that he could have had any commoner women he wanted as a noble son too far down the line to inherit - he wasn't interested. Rhaneyra may have confused duty for love with this guy.
Yes, took his oath so seriously that he paused a whole 3 seconds before he, shall we say, took a stab at the princess's underbite.
Then took his oath to protect her so seriously that he went and snitched on her to the queen before hearing the whole accusation.
Then while suspicions were high, committed a rage-fueled gaybashing at her wedding.
I don't care who wrote it, this is whack tourny-knight fuckboi behaviour, not battle-tested endurance.
but like you said, he named her heir and everyone bent the knee, how is this not set in stone? cuz it sounds like the way youre describing it, all the lords are now thinking she's a dumb bitch that will bring the realm to ruin, so might as well prop up a proper king