How much real money have MMOs made you?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Never sold any of my accounts. Was offered a lot for my SK a few times back in my bleeding edge days. And sometimes I check out how much some of my toons are worth in other games just to see what people are paying. Have had people offer me cash for some of my toon names also (use to reserve as many cool ones early back when I cared). Gave away a lot of stuff over the years.

But was already making a good living when I started playing EQ so the cash never seemed worth the all the time I put into the toons. If I had been younger and broke I would have sold them without a thought though, or any guilt.
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privileged excrementlord
Never sold anything in EQ. Played WoW my first year of college and sold the account to some guy in Singapore for $1400.
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<Bronze Donator>
I did farm a lot on WOW back during cataclysm in the honorbuddy days. An account cost about 100 bucks (I'd buy already leveled ones cause the expansions and all cost me about $100 and I could get a max level shit character for $110 or even $100) and would make me $100 bucks back in a week. Used gatherbuddy with all protection paladins, decked out in resilience pvp gear, with a pvp fighting routine. They would farm 24/7 in premade waypoint paths in like ungoro crater for herbs and ore. I would spread across a few servers, few different farm areas. Gatherbuddy was great, you could have it log off after x time for y amount of time and repeat, it would hearth and mail things when bags were full. The best was when players would attack me, if you couldnt kill a full protection paladin stacked in resilience you'd be dead, and it happened a lot lmao and this was a fucking bot owning you.

Anyway yeah it would hearth on full bags, mail everything to my mule alt, then depending on how lazy I was feeling you could turn the ore into jewelcrafting and herbs into potions but most of the time i bulk listed it in the auction house and/or i found private buyers that I could just spam COD mails to. Youd then put all that gold into a guild bank, and buy a vanilla account (no expansions) and setup a buy with an asian buyer. Regular players didnt buy the amount of gold I made so I had to sell to asians at a little loss but they took it all. I'd invite my vanilla character to the guild, promote him to guild master and leave, then youd invite the asian and he'd take it out of the bank, and pay me. You'd end up getting banned on the vanilla, and depending how much gold they might trace it back to a farmer or two.

By the end of my farming I was up to 20 accounts making 2k a week. I forget the gold to usd ratio but I remember I would routinely move more than a million gold a week and that was a HUGE flag and it wasnt abnormal to lose a farmer or two cause of it but the money was worth it and you could just go back to playerauctions buy a new character and get on with life. I used to also play 3v3 and 5v5 arena and would use that gold to buy all my team mates the darkmoon cards and best BOE's. Eventually I showed a RL friend how to do this and he worked his way up to 15 accounts, and we got lazy and decided to use one vanilla account (instead of two separate one for me one for him diff IPS) for both of our sales and that ended up getting us wiped out, banned everything. As for how much time it took? I'd say it took me about 2 hours a day to clean out my mailbox, move materials into gold and stock it up. Then I had asian farmers on aol instant messenger (hehe) that would always ask me if I had more to sell and would be ready at moments notice, so selling took 10 minutes.

I did use VPNs which was hilarious because a few times I got banned I'd call up saying I dont know what happened, and they'd tell me a known hacker VPN accessed my account and hijacked it for gold farming, then they unbanned it. I got an account unbanned 7 times. I could never get any of my main pvp accounts unbanned once but DAMN 7 times on a farmer account.

So yeah I think that lasted me a few months of farming, after that they started cracking down on accounts that played more than 24 hours, they also seemed to track pathing, and even though I made my own paths not the public ones, they'd still hit me, so I wondered if it was the amount of ore or herb per hour I was farming so I lowered that as well but they kept nailing us. One time I activated a vanilla account that I was going to use to sell gold, and I went to bed so I could do the sale in the morning, and when I woke up the account was banned and the email said associated to exploitive activities. I was like huh? I never logged in the account, just activated on the website, it was on a diff IP and hadnt even made a character, I felt robbed.

The coolest part about that is someone made a relogger program, that would automatically relog in your character if it got disconnected and start the bot again. It would also do the initial account loads, lets say all your accounts were off, you hit one button it'd load all the wows, log them in and start the bot on the last played profile.

Honorbuddy/gatherbuddy was amazing though. I'd have it run battlegrounds for me and people would think I'm a regular person. I had it run looking for dungeon groups, as a HEALER or a TANK and just leave it going all day and never got any nasty tells or signs that people thought I was a bot. I never used it in raids but I knew people that did, you could turn off pathing and just have it run a combat routine while you control movement.

They also had a demonbuddy version which I used to farm diablo 3 during the RMAH days, that was great. I didnt make as much I got up to about 10 accounts which would run the same dungeon over and over, I forget which but at the time these were the best gph routes. Diablo 3 had to of been the best cause youd have your own private game each time no risk of being reported, but again WOW/blizzard monitored statistics. But whatever each time I got a rare ass mempo hat it was $200 made my day! I think I only made a few thousand on that game. The RMAH was a crazy idea, I quit when they got rid of it but dang I remember someone posting a screenshot of their setup and they had 100 accounts farming diablo 3. Some people went HAM. Same with WOW some people had 200 accounts farming gatherbuddy/honorbuddy.

The craziest RMT I saw was, back then there was that refer a friend where you refer someone and they activate, you get a free month. That was exploited huge. For those that played back then you knew you could buy a month for ingame gold or for $10. How did they do this? I made bff's with one of the top sellers who ended up being a 16 year old asian girl who explained to me that these chinese people had a WOW RAF key generator and were selling codes via ALIpay to her for 50 cents a code, and she was turning around selling them for $10 bucks. All you had to do was send your account's RAF code and she'd link it up. Of course the system would catch this a week later but your account would keep the free month anyway and the new "friend" account would be closed. I couldnt get into it because the sellers spoke chinese only on QQ chat and you had to pay in alipay which is a chinese paypal that required a chinese bank account. She was making thousands a day, top RAF month seller on ownedcore//mmowned. I remember one time she showed me a paypal with $20k in it that paypal froze, and she was like well time to make a new paypal, didnt phase her. I also used her cause buying bulk RAF months I got her down to $6 each so my monthly subs were only $6 each account.

On EQ ragefire I ended with about 30 characters, mostly mages with phinigel water staves and full planar. When I went over to phinigel, I sold all those accounts for $200-300 each. Was a good investment that I didnt see coming, just wanted to have the most decked out box team on the server, and a lot of boxers farmed phinigel autotropos for the water staff so youd regularly see 24 boxers dps racing each other, so I had to increase to 30 and get more gear and haste/damage focuses etc for that edge, he didnt drop the staff everytime and I needed probably 27 of them and he respawned every 5 hoursish so it sucked to lose. Was fun times back when water pets werent nerfed yet and tanked as good as earth and MOTM didnt exist.

I posted this photo before but they had free transfers from ragefire to lockjaw, which facilitated the plat exploit, but I used to bypass the name filter and renamed a mage Asshole and got a serverwide on phinigel. I got that char banned 5 minutes later. Well worth it.

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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I never made anything off of my MMO playing and at the time, I pretty much despised anyone that did. Now, I have a much more laissez-faire attitude about it.

My EQ accounts probably would not have gone for more than $500 apiece. I was probably in the 98th percentile for gear and shit, but there were probably 5 other guys on the server that had better shit than me. I think the top 1 or 2 guy sold for like $1k at some point in Velious or Luclin.

My WoW account on the other hand could have probably gotten $5k+. I was the main raid tank for the 4th Horde kill in the world on Nefarian. I also had 50% of the components for the Thunderfury legendary weapon, before anyone even knew what it was or the quest had ever been completed. At that point though, even when I knew I was burnt out and done with the game, I had so many real-life contacts and friends that it would have been a nightmare if they knew I sold the account. I was never that hard up for money to consider it seriously.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
I made around -7k on EQ.

I was serverwide 1st bard for a while in a strong guild. I bought a top 10 serverwide SK and SHM from guildmates. These set me back about 1800 each. I boxed the trio for hundreds of hours and kept them max AA for many expansions, their gear got updated through guild rots, most of the stuff that used to rot for my guild was better then what the 5th guild on server could attain and managed to keep them extremely well geared due to top RA.

I spent at least 3k on Legends of Norrath so all my chars had mounts, skins and familiars ... even though I mostly did it just because I liked LoN. I was competing with Tolpan (Mortalis bard) collection-wise, until that fucker got banned (hah jokes on him)

I've bought 6 fungi's on R99 and some minor stuff. Few 100k plat on P1999 also. Used to communicate with Platlord directly, I'm pretty convinced he was a GM. I spent several weeks trying to find a CoF on P1999, after not being able to do so I contacted him, he told me it was out of stock, and I was already a good customer at that point. After I offered him 400$ and told him to find me one, he magically had one within 5 minutes. I had been offering a ludicrous price in EC for it, none were available on the server, but suddenly one was, in literal minutes.

On the sales side I did one sale of a P1999 account, grabbing a few 100, and that was mostly to help a fellow FoH poster out.

No regrets about any of this, in fact I'd do it again in an instant. Looking back on it, I regret not getting into RMT earlier.

I made about -3k on Diablo 3. When the RMAH was a thing I had one of the best geared barbs in the entire game, I'd buy € 200-250 items several times a week. I don't even regret that, even though it didn't last long and the item revamp turned out making every item worthless.

Perhaps I do regret not manipulating the RMAH earlier. I only manipulated it towards the end of it, and never did get banned, so I'm sure some people that did the same (find auction item, place lowest possible bid, change comp clock time so timer on auction instantly ended), made tons of money from it.

They also had a demonbuddy version which I used to farm diablo 3 during the RMAH days, that was great. I didnt make as much I got up to about 10 accounts which would run the same dungeon over and over, I forget which but at the time these were the best gph routes. Diablo 3 had to of been the best cause youd have your own private game each time no risk of being reported, but again WOW/blizzard monitored statistics. But whatever each time I got a rare ass mempo hat it was $200 made my day! I think I only made a few thousand on that game. The RMAH was a crazy idea, I quit when they got rid of it but dang I remember someone posting a screenshot of their setup and they had 100 accounts farming diablo 3. Some people went HAM. Same with WOW some people had 200 accounts farming gatherbuddy/honorbuddy.

I ran 4 copies of D3 through VMware and used demonbuddy to control them, it was nothing comparable to changing the PC clock to get BiS items on the RMAH at lowest possible bid price.

I've ran demonbuddy for at least 2000 hours on my comp, and never had a single account banned.

There is no goddamn way Blizzard didn't ban based on RMAH spendings, I survived every banwave up until this day, there have been so many of them, yet my standard scripts taken right fom the site never got detected.

Anyone that doesn't believe that is extremely naive. Some weekends I cleared out my 4 chars' stash 100%, set strict filters, and let the bots run from that weekend to the next. 139ish hours non stop, 4 chars from same IP? No problemo.

Oh, and as a final note, a competent friend of mine who was studying IT had a working no-drop transfer hack for EQlive at some point. I still have a low level druid with items from Ssrae temple, which the char simply could never have attained due to not meeting the zones level requirement .. that account never got banned either, in well over a decade.

Old school EQ dirt:

On my bard (Abadonn - Raging fury), my guild caught me after I was given a no drop item which had not dropped on our raids, but which was rotting for Darkwind. Since it was a group buff clicky (Rapier of Somber Notes ), which I used, my guild discovered me, slapped me on the wrist, I ended up destroying the item and it dropped for us (me) the raid after. The fucker that made an issue out of it (Uren, a french bard) got demoted from officer shortly after, I took his officer position a few weeks after.

I did consider to learn coding so I could write my own custom hacks, but decided its best to leave these things to the professionals.

To this day I am convinced you can do whatever the fuck you want on any game, as long as you spend enough money on it.
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<Bronze Donator>
One of my close buddies sold on p99 too, he had manastones, rod of annihilation, prenerf fungis and more during kunark. Said when he cashed out he made about $20k. I think he had about 20 VP geared accounts as well he'd buy from people that quit. He also worked with that female GM that got caught duping items for money. Cant believe the moeny people spent there, I think he said the rod got him $700. He also had access to guild bank for the top raiding guild, lol.

I remember when he first started on p99, he calls me and is like do you have an extra computer I can remote? I'm like what? So we setup teamviewer on an old laptop of mine and he boxes a cleric. I'd routinely come home see the laptop sitting in splitpaw groups with him. Didnt last long until they checked him and he couldnt really play them both at the same time in different directions.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
E Elidroth perhaps you can give us some insight into how EQ handled the no-drop transfer hack, and what the policy on banning RMTers / hackers was?


Molten Core Raider
I would guess in the neighborhood of 5 to 10 grand, but its been long enough I cant remember for sure. Wife and I ran a reasonably profitable vendor house in UO for quite a few years, we ebayed the gold (back before Trammel). We also knew a few local people who would occasionally buy gold so they didnt have to farm, money straight into the pocket there! We eventually sold the UO accounts with towers/houses etc. I made a little selling stuff in EQ both gear and plat. Then we made a little money off of d3 RMAH probably a few hundred bucks there.
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Trakanon Raider
I was competing with Tolpan (Mortalis bard) collection-wise, until that fucker got banned (hah jokes on him)

Sorry for the random derail, just curious what happened with Tolpan.

I played with Mortalis on my beastlord around 2003-2004 chasing the first Quarm kill. Tolpan was active at that time. Mortalis was an interesting group of folks to play with. I was one of a handful of Americans playing with the euros. Raids started at 8am for me in Arizona.
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Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Ya I didnt know about the PC clock for RMAH haha thats great.

I was told cheatengine could also be used to edit values & timers, since obviously a large part of the RMAH thing was client side, but never looked into it.

Blizzard was already failing back then, obviously. Though I greatly enjoyed their amateurism.
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Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Sorry for the random derail, just curious what happened with Tolpan.

I played with Mortalis on my beastlord around 2003-2004 chasing the first Quarm kill. Tolpan was active at that time. Mortalis was an interesting group of folks to play with. I was one of a handful of Americans playing with the euros. Raids started at 8am for me in Arizona.

He had one of the best geared bards serverwide, as you know.

He also had one of the largest LoN (legends of norrath, EQ card game which you fund with real money) collections, I mean he had dozens of every mount, illusion, weapon augment, clicky, .. tons of shit, at least worth 5k$ back then.

From one day to the next he was no longer appearing in LoN for trading, and no longer logged into EQ.

I contacted him on a forum, he told me he had quit, "no longer had an interest in the game".

Basically his ass got banned, for god knows what reason, I'm sure it must have been excessive. He was into it for the money, and he couldn't have offloaded all those assets / accounts without them ever appearing again. A top 3 serverwide bard doesn't just poof, even if you banked it for 2 years and got it a namechange, it would have been noticed, since the bard community was tiny.

Mortalis was nice. I miss N Neric .
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Trakanon Raider
I'm sure I'm at a net loss overall but I sold a few things:

3 Fungi Tunics over the course of 3-4 months for 2-400 a piece.
A couple of fishbone earrings for 40-80 as well as some other clickies (can't remember).
My Dwarf Priest right around the time AQ was released for 1200. He had a good amount of T1 and T2 + Benediction.

I never really needed the money, I just used to solo at weird hours and had a string of luck with Fungi's and clicky drops. I didn't need them and my guild had plenty of resources so I just sold them to buy a new graphics card. The priest I sold because I truly intended to be done with MMOs.... but we all know how that works out. Started fresh for TBC on horde side and still play that account and characters to this day.


<Bronze Donator>
I only did this once, and it was to sell my account way back in the day when I thought I wanted to quit. The guy immediately reversed the charges after taking possession of the account. Details are now fuzzy, but I got the money released back to me and for good measure since he tried to scam me, I retrieved the account with the CD-Keys. The account was stripped at that point but at least I got it and the characters back and the $500 he had agreed to pay (or whatever it was). So he basically ended up being forced to pay me 500 for my fairly mediocre dropables and some random amount of plat that the char had.

I think soon after all this the (credit cards? I dont even remember who dealt with this sort of thing back then) wiped their hands of most of this online trading since it was a shitshow of people scamming each other back and forth.

That was it for me. My time is worth more than the peanuts you end up selling stuff for, Ill keep all my accounts/stuff thank you very much. Nor have I ever bought anything RMT. I'm kind of surprised we never heard of scammers and account snatchers being tracked down and being murdered yet.


Throbbing Member
Only time i made real money in an MMO was selling my Alt Jedi on SWG for a grand. Then like 3 weeks later they announced that jedi village thing and i laughed.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I made about 4,000 in a 6 week span during the release of a new server in everquest 2. Back then farming by the Chinese wasn't so rampant so I was able to carve out a niche for a little while. Played pretty much non stop so still not a great return.


Trakanon Raider
I think in total around ~$25-30k but I've probably spent $10k-$15k or so lifetime as well.

I stumbled upon playerauctions when it first launched and managed to get a foot in selling plat and naked power leveled accounts on Torv and Xegony thinking people were insane to pay cash for digital items. Like the first time someone paid me $300 for a naked level 50 druid to 18 year old me I thought I was a genius.

Then dudes came in with exploits and third world farmers and made prices so low that it wasn't even minimum wage. Being nearly done with college, starting to actually value my time and being burnt out of EQ I stopped altogether. In WoW I sold one of, if not the first max level female dwarf priests on my server for like $750, male dwarf priest with epic for $1k and female draenei warrior with crafted stormherald for $1k.

I still usually sell off my accounts when I'm done with a game, but for the most part I've always played solo/multibox since most people I know gaming and real life aren't into MMOs at all so I wasn't robbing guild banks or other nonsense.


<Gold Donor>
I sold my first Lv50 ranger back in vanilla days for like $200. He was not geared.

But throughout time I bought more than I ever made. Usually just plat in EQ, later krono. Few hundred here and there, nothing ever crazy. I loved to twink up new characters and run them through the levels.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
None. Ive never sold my characters or items.
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