I've placed the combat system at the heart of the problem: your combat should require people to talk to each other before and during a fight. Downtime is not necessary : you need downtime if you want to force people to talk about something ELSE besides combat, but that runs into the problem that "random" people that just met each other have probably few common interests... except what they're here to do: play and fight. The no wipe is a consequence of not needing to talk: if you don't need to communicate, it's not a difficult combat because every other player in your group could be replaced by an AI, and thus you only wipe if one of the AI has a bug (i.e. a player doesn't know the fight).
The best groups I've ever had in every single game have had the minimum amount of communication. Shit gets done, when and how it's supposed too without lengthy diatribes by the tank, the party leader or some fucktard that has this great way of skipping a single pack of mobs that costs us more time than it gains. One shotting every boss in an instance
withouta laundry list of do's and don't should be the norm -- you know, because everyone knows their shit, and is on the same page.
The best groups I've had in EQ were the ones that we never, ever stopped pulling -- or even waited for a pull to arrive because I had shit parked waiting to be killed while the puller got back with more stuff. We paced ourselves to the content, never stopping for mana, or waiting to rezz some dumb dps that overaggro'd and got himself killed.
Sure, there was jokes, some miss tells and a few scraps of banter, but I've had that in WoW parties, Darkfall groups, EQ raids, Firefall thumping squads and FFXIV fate grinds.. and every other game in between.
The common theme amongst the groups that did talk was
because they wanted too. It might have been to tell the tank they sucked in WoW, it might have been to say how baked they were in EQ, or it might have been to say that the loot tables in Coil were fucked in FFXIV.
Not a single person was FORCED to do a fucking thing in all of those things. We talked because we wanted to say something.
The problem is, I don't care what it is you want to talk about. I couldn't be bothered to get into a screaming matching with a tank that can't hold aggro because he's a windowlicker. I don't give a single fuck how baked you are. I don't even remotely give a shit if you think drop rates in Coil are fucked (but I might go look it up after this run!).
Those people that I do want to talk with, will be the ones I'm guilded with, the ones I'm posting on a forum with and the ones I'm sitting on vent with. The rest of the people that have something to say of value, I'll gladly listen too. I've no desire at all, to be someones captive audience and listen to the whine about the current state of politics in a country I don't give a fuck about.
This bullshit about slowing down combat and breaks to FORCE people to talk is the most fucked up thing I have ever heard.