That's how life on Earth is explained... by some people.
How is his idea any more shit than the idea that over billions of years things like that have happened thousands upon thousands of times resulting in the evolution from single cell bacteria (where did those come from again?) to all the crazy shit on Earth today. Do people even do the calculations on how improbable it is for everything to have supposedly gone down the way they want it to have happened or is it just a bunch of people hopping on the "haha i'm smarter than you stupid religious people believing in God" bandwagon? My guess is the 2nd option for the vast majority of the population. Honestly, evolution etc. is just another religion, no different from any of the other ones. When it comes down to it it's just a bunch of people who want to believe in some other crazy set of possibilities than the other groups.
Ooh, it's possible that all life on Earth has evolved over billions of years from nothing, but it's not possible that you can blow yourself up for Allah and get 72 virgins. Ooh, it's possible that everyone is reincarnated as a different form of life based on how enlightened they became in their last lifetime but it's not possible that God created the Earth and the heavens. Etc. Etc. Etc.
you need to do a step back and watch it differently. I'm not trying to sound arrogant, but this is a common misunderstanding many ppl do, religious or atheist doesnt matter.
Evolution is not a driving force. there is not fixed goal to reach. Evolution is a passive process organic matter does reacting to external stimulis. When you have quintillions of different stimulis, on billions of organisms for billions of years, things change
you say "how improbable it is for everything to have supposedly gone down the way they want it to have happened ", i answer you extremely improbable. that's why of the thousands and thousands of species on this planet we are the only sentient one. WE. GOT. LUCKY.
that's why you are there asking such a question. if we had not been lucky, you wouldnt be there thinking about it and i would not be here writing on this msg board. Earth would either:
(1) have no sentient race yet
(2) us not reaching sapience caused a butterfly effect that changed something in the evolution of another specie. So there would be Wizardhawk the sentient "insert_evolved_specie_002" writing on some msg about how the fuck they became what they are
it's a fucking butterfly effect on astronomic scale
Your error is you are placing effect before the cause. We are the result of evolution, yes, but we are not the intended result
or to give you another example.....winning bingo is extremely improbable....then why every few weeks someone win? because millions of ppl play it every week....this is how we are what we evolution has been a collection of infinite "extremely improbable" potential sapient races....we just happend to be the one who nailed the right 6 numbers and won it