I'm amazed that people have issues in their work life like this.
Combining any part of your personal and professional life is the stupidest thing you can ever do starting in about 2005, but probably even before that. If you are using a personal phone or computer to discuss business you need to cut that shit immediately and tell your employer to get you a company device, assuming your company doesn't have a BYOD program that segments your device from the company and reimburses you for the use. Don't allow any coworkers access to your personal social media accounts, including LinkedIn unless it is totally locked down. These are not your friends, they are coworkers and should be treated as such.
As far as actual work is concerned, there is a strict hierarchy of work that you should be accomplishing with your time.
1. Daily work that directly impacts your compensation and retainment followed by project work that directly impacts your compensation and retainment. All other tasks are optional.
2. The tasks in 1 are only superceded by direct requests from your boss to complete activities. Those requests should take priority over everything else and if anyone complains you refer them directly to your boss who made the request. If your boss complains then you reiterate that he was the one that gave you the taks and that he needs to give you the priority of those tasks if things are falling through.
3. The tasks in 2 are only superceded by direct requests from your bosses boss (and his boss, and his, all the way up to the CEO) and take priority over everything else until completed. If anyone complains, you reiterate that it was upper management who gave you the tasks and if there is an issue they need to give you the priority of those tasks.
Literally everything else is worthless and should never be done. It isn't worth your time or effort.
Every person in every job is bombarded with requests for work and they can't possibly all be accomplished. By always prioritizing the work given by the most senior people in your chain of command you maximize your worth to the decision makers, ensure they know and remember you reliably accomplish the tasks they give you, and minimize they effort you expend on the bullshit that gets thrown at you. Every second you spend on taks outside of these rules is time and effort you will never get back and will never make a difference in your career.