what Suineg set it to
I wish Brad well but he sounds like my trainer who had 20 years experience and all these accolades but couldn't show up to work. At some point if doesn't matter.You are being the problem again. It doesn't matter how good you are at the job if you are the one that causes problems and drama every goddamn day of the week and has to remind everyone of how good you are. Your boss is already looking for your replacement because anyone "reminding" them of why good employees quit already have one foot out the door. Stop taking your emotions to work with you.
It also sounds like you can ignore everything I said above because of some situation; well take one goddamn second and think about a time in your life where someone had you by the balls knowing that you had to rely on them and instead of being understanding and compassionate they decided to lord it over you like some infant getting a tiny taste of "power." That sounds like you right now. Situations always change and not thinking through to a day when you no longer hold all the cards is a mistake.
A wise man once told me "Everyone's replaceable, the only question is how much is it going to cost me."
It's only ever a question of dollars at the end of the day and eventually the price gets worth paying.
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