I think I might have been abused as a kid. How do I find out?


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
So this is pretty weird. Lately, as in like, the last few months, I've been remembering stuff about my early childhood that I -completely- forgot about until now. I'm talking age 1-3 range, things like breastfeeding, and seeing a birthday cake for the first time, and pretending to cook by waving a plastic plate around in a high-chair. I mean these are things I had ZERO recollection of pretty much from probably age 5 or so until this year.

Thing is, growing up, I had a ton of behavioral issues, and made everyone miserable. I was pretty angry/resentful for no apparent reason, and TBH I still have a lot of those elements in my personality and they still cause me issues from time to time. Nobody could ever explain why I was so angry as a kid, so psychologists tried to rationalize it by blaming various circumstances that I didn't actually care about. For instance, they blamed my fits of anger on a move from one apartment to another, when I didn't care at all about said move. So they really had no clue. I didn't have a clue either.

Now this year, I'm suddenly remembering weird stuff. Like the first time I flew off the handle with an angry fit. I was probably 3 or 4 and I vividly remember screaming at my mom and her referring to it as a "temper tantrum". Actually, hearing those words was what caused this memory to pop up. She was really surprised and embarrassed at my behavior and said I'd never acted like that before. After forgetting about this incident for 30 years I now remember it clear as day. What I also remember is how I felt, like something happened and she wasn't around when it happened and I blamed her for not being around. Like she abandoned me to do something more important and something happened while she was out, and I was too embarrassed to tell her so instead I lashed out. It could have been something as simple as me not knowing where she was and being ignored by a babysitter, I don't know. Problem is, I continued lashing out for years, maybe decades, and it all went back to this weird feeling of being hurt/abandoned or not being important.

Like I said, I don't know if I just freaked out because she was out of the house for an extended amount of time, or if someone watching me did something, or what. That part I don't remember. Whatever occurred before the "temper tantrum" is a total mental block for me. I just remember that first tantrum itself and exactly how I felt.

So how can I figure this out? Hypnosis has been suggested, but I don't know if that'll work, and I'm generally resistant to any sort of psychological push/suggestion. I need to somehow remember what happened, if anything, without getting a "false positive". It could be something as simple as me being angry that my mom wasn't home more often and that I kept having babysitters around instead. I know we've got some smart people here so I'd like to hear any insights or similar experiences.
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Vyemm Raider
Seems totally pointless to me. You'll never know if it's a "false positive" as you say, and you wont gain anything either way. I had a shit childhood and honestly remember very little prior to 13. I consider that a blessing and have no desire to remember.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
So this is pretty weird. Lately, as in like, the last few months, I've been remembering stuff about my early childhood that I -completely- forgot about until now. I'm talking age 1-3 range, things like breastfeeding, and seeing a birthday cake for the first time, and pretending to cook by waving a plastic plate around in a high-chair. I mean these are things I had ZERO recollection of pretty much from probably age 5 or so until this year.

Thing is, growing up, I had a ton of behavioral issues, and made everyone miserable. I was pretty angry/resentful for no apparent reason, and TBH I still have a lot of those elements in my personality and they still cause me issues from time to time. Nobody could ever explain why I was so angry as a kid, so psychologists tried to rationalize it by blaming various circumstances that I didn't actually care about. For instance, they blamed my fits of anger on a move from one apartment to another, when I didn't care at all about said move. So they really had no clue. I didn't have a clue either.

Now this year, I'm suddenly remembering weird stuff. Like the first time I flew off the handle with an angry fit. I was probably 3 or 4 and I vividly remember screaming at my mom and her referring to it as a "temper tantrum". Actually, hearing those words was what caused this memory to pop up. She was really surprised and embarrassed at my behavior and said I'd never acted like that before. After forgetting about this incident for 30 years I now remember it clear as day. What I also remember is how I felt, like something happened and she wasn't around when it happened and I blamed her for not being around. Like she abandoned me to do something more important and something happened while she was out, and I was too embarrassed to tell her so instead I lashed out. It could have been something as simple as me not knowing where she was and being ignored by a babysitter, I don't know. Problem is, I continued lashing out for years, maybe decades, and it all went back to this weird feeling of being hurt/abandoned or not being important.

Like I said, I don't know if I just freaked out because she was out of the house for an extended amount of time, or if someone watching me did something, or what. That part I don't remember. Whatever occurred before the "temper tantrum" is a total mental block for me. I just remember that first tantrum itself and exactly how I felt.

So how can I figure this out? Hypnosis has been suggested, but I don't know if that'll work, and I'm generally resistant to any sort of psychological push/suggestion. I need to somehow remember what happened, if anything, without getting a "false positive". It could be something as simple as me being angry that my mom wasn't home more often and that I kept having babysitters around instead. I know we've got some smart people here so I'd like to hear any insights or similar experiences.
I have a tiny handful of vivid memories from my very early childhood and i have absolutely no clue what happened immediately before or after them. Remembering it suddenly after so long is weird, but not remembering what happened before is completely normal.

Honestly your post half comes across as you wanting to have been abused. Maybe you just had a behavioral disorder that you grew out of/developed enough maturity to control.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
So how can I figure this out? Hypnosis has been suggested, but I don't know if that'll work, and I'm generally resistant to any sort of psychological push/suggestion. I need to somehow remember what happened, if anything, without getting a "false positive". It could be something as simple as me being angry that my mom wasn't home more often and that I kept having babysitters around instead. I know we've got some smart people here so I'd like to hear any insights or similar experiences.
This sounds like a great way for someone to make money off of you and never resolve your issues.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Honestly your post half comes across as you wanting to have been abused. Maybe you just had a behavioral disorder that you grew out of/developed enough maturity to control.

I have noticed some people looking for excuses as to how they turned out. Some of these people I've crossed paths with have abused drugs an insane amount and then in the aftermath have a need to cover up for really bad psychotic behavior/mania-- and wallah, out comes the child abuse theory. Completely unsubstantiated and with absolutely no corroboration from anyone else who they grew up with of course.

"I got abused" is like the big guns of making excuses.

I don't think this applies here at all, but it was worth you mentioning because I've seen it myself firsthand.


The Scientific Shitlord
Will finding out do anything positive for you that you can't find any other way? The past is the past, and regardless of why we are where we are in life, there is no changing it. If you are unhappy with some aspect of yourself in the here and now, then by all means work on it. You also need to realize that your memories may or may not be real. They can feel real, and clear as day, and be 100% fake. The brain will do that to you.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
So this is pretty weird. Lately, as in like, the last few months, I've been remembering stuff about my early childhood that I -completely- forgot about until now. I'm talking age 1-3 range, things like breastfeeding, and seeing a birthday cake for the first time, and pretending to cook by waving a plastic plate around in a high-chair. I mean these are things I had ZERO recollection of pretty much from probably age 5 or so until this year.

Thing is, growing up, I had a ton of behavioral issues, and made everyone miserable. I was pretty angry/resentful for no apparent reason, and TBH I still have a lot of those elements in my personality and they still cause me issues from time to time. Nobody could ever explain why I was so angry as a kid, so psychologists tried to rationalize it by blaming various circumstances that I didn't actually care about. For instance, they blamed my fits of anger on a move from one apartment to another, when I didn't care at all about said move. So they really had no clue. I didn't have a clue either.

Now this year, I'm suddenly remembering weird stuff. Like the first time I flew off the handle with an angry fit. I was probably 3 or 4 and I vividly remember screaming at my mom and her referring to it as a "temper tantrum". Actually, hearing those words was what caused this memory to pop up. She was really surprised and embarrassed at my behavior and said I'd never acted like that before. After forgetting about this incident for 30 years I now remember it clear as day. What I also remember is how I felt, like something happened and she wasn't around when it happened and I blamed her for not being around. Like she abandoned me to do something more important and something happened while she was out, and I was too embarrassed to tell her so instead I lashed out. It could have been something as simple as me not knowing where she was and being ignored by a babysitter, I don't know. Problem is, I continued lashing out for years, maybe decades, and it all went back to this weird feeling of being hurt/abandoned or not being important.

Like I said, I don't know if I just freaked out because she was out of the house for an extended amount of time, or if someone watching me did something, or what. That part I don't remember. Whatever occurred before the "temper tantrum" is a total mental block for me. I just remember that first tantrum itself and exactly how I felt.

So how can I figure this out? Hypnosis has been suggested, but I don't know if that'll work, and I'm generally resistant to any sort of psychological push/suggestion. I need to somehow remember what happened, if anything, without getting a "false positive". It could be something as simple as me being angry that my mom wasn't home more often and that I kept having babysitters around instead. I know we've got some smart people here so I'd like to hear any insights or similar experiences.
Temper tantrums are a normal behavior for kids because they don’t know how to process emotions yet. It could have been something as dumb as she gave you a juice box instead of the milk you wanted. You got mad and your brain didn’t know how to react to mad the first time.

What do you gain by knowing if you were abused or not? Unless you’re going to go seek revenge on someone for something you don’t even remember I don’t really get the point. I’d suggest not worrying about it and focusing energy elsewhere. I say this as someone who had a physically and verbally abused, dirt poor, childhood and remembers it all. Those aren’t good memories, why try to remember them? I’d rather they be gone but they aren’t. I just use them to know how not to raise my kid.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Memories at that age are also deceptive because they are formed at a time when our brains cannot really process information yet. If it is affecting your current day to day, maybe seek some professional help (but be wary they will basically always bias towards some abuse having occurred due to their nature). If not, treat it like a fucked up dream and ignore it.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
The mind is a wild thing and people are memory is extremely un-trustworthy, especially when so young and looking back on it. There's people who were never abused that sincerely believe to the bottom of their heart they were.

You should probably find a way to make peace with your past, because it is your past and will remain that.


If it's a one-off overwhelming shock to your system then there's nothing to remember. Whether you're awake or asleep, a mind can't record the incomprehensible.

Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
Memories at that age are also deceptive

The mind is a wild thing and people are memory is extremely un-trustworthy, especially when so young and looking back on it.

Memories at any age are broad narratives we tell ourselves about the past with the details heavily filled in by plausible fictions, and are heavily sculpted by what other people tell us or how we talk about ourselves. I was talking with my dad the other day and he told me that a favorite childhood episode of mine, the truth of which I would have sworn on my mother's soul, was totally backwards, and then produced video evidence. The past isn't all fake, but a shocking amount is.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I was just talking to my best friend this weekend about how there was an entire year of high school where we didn’t hang out because he got new friends and it wasn’t until junior year that we reconnected. And then he told me I was fucking high because that year he would come watch me play Everquest everyday after school or we would go to his house and I would watch him play final fantasy 7. I literally do not remember this I just remember not having friends, which wasn’t true at all.
So yeah, the mind is really fucking weird, and who knows what narrative I was trying to craft for myself.


Millie's Staff Member
i can remember some early childhood stuff. but i think its remembering the memory of remembering it at this point. almost all the adults i knew as a little boy are long dead now.


Molten Core Raider
Unless you have a good reason to believe you were abused, it may be counterproductive to go down this path. It sounds like you are seeking a reason for your outbursts. It will be really easy for your brain to convince itself that forgotten abuse was the reason. Basically, if you want this to be the reason, it will be the reason whether or not it's true. I really hope it's not the case.

As for the tantrums, if you're around kids for any length of time, you'll see they'll have meltdown tantrums over the most trivial things. Abuse doesn't have anything to do with it. Perfectly happy kids will flip a switch and scream and roll around on the floor in the grocery store because their mom won't give them some random item they just saw on the shelf. You may be projecting your adult emotions onto yourself when you were a child and thinking that there must have been an adult-level transgression to cause that kind of meltdown. But in reality it could have been something totally trivial like she turned off the cartoons.

It may still be good to see a therapist and work through these issues about acting out and behavioral issues. It sounds like you're still bothered by it. But don't go into therapy with the goal of tying those behaviors to abuse since it will be easy to produce that conclusion whether it's true or not.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Thanks for the responses. One thing I don't think I mentioned in the original post is that my behavioral issues had a very sudden onset. It isn't like they were there all along, or gradually got worse over time. According to my mom and other people who remember me that far back, it was more like "from age 1 to 3 you were this incredibly happy child, then one day you just flew off the handle and from then on you were angry and abusive". Like I went from one extreme to the other in one day and then it just never got any better after that. That plus remembering how I felt during said flying off the handle is why I'm finding myself wondering about this stuff.

I have a tiny handful of vivid memories from my very early childhood and i have absolutely no clue what happened immediately before or after them. Remembering it suddenly after so long is weird, but not remembering what happened before is completely normal.

Honestly your post half comes across as you wanting to have been abused. Maybe you just had a behavioral disorder that you grew out of/developed enough maturity to control.

I don't think I want to have been abused, though it would at least absolve me of some responsibility. It's more like "if I can figure this out, maybe I can stop having deep-seated anger that I can't explain".

This sounds like a great way for someone to make money off of you and never resolve your issues.

Yeah, most likely. I've found a lot of medical professions in general to be quackery, especially the mental health department. They're still making gangbuster money nowadays because it's become so trendy for people to have "mental illness" and "mental health problems" when in reality they're just stressed-out and can't handle responsibility.

From the responses here I'm thinking it might well have been not getting my way on something that caused the issues. I know my mom breastfed me like a year later than she probably should have (because I remember that now and it's a bit WTF). I basically demanded that it continue so it continued. I think that her drawing a line and ending that practice might actually have coincided somewhat with the onset of my rage-bursts. Maybe the underlying issue is that I wanted more boob and I was being told no. I don't know why these behaviors persisted for like 15 years and made everyone miserable, though. Really could have had a much better life if I hadn't had said issues.

Who knows, at this point. I was considering trying hypnosis but at this point I think a psychiatrist is probably just gonna take me for a ride.
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
So this is pretty weird. Lately, as in like, the last few months, I've been remembering stuff about my early childhood that I -completely- forgot about until now. I'm talking age 1-3 range, things like breastfeeding, and seeing a birthday cake for the first time, and pretending to cook by waving a plastic plate around in a high-chair. I mean these are things I had ZERO recollection of pretty much from probably age 5 or so until this year.

Thing is, growing up, I had a ton of behavioral issues, and made everyone miserable. I was pretty angry/resentful for no apparent reason, and TBH I still have a lot of those elements in my personality and they still cause me issues from time to time. Nobody could ever explain why I was so angry as a kid, so psychologists tried to rationalize it by blaming various circumstances that I didn't actually care about. For instance, they blamed my fits of anger on a move from one apartment to another, when I didn't care at all about said move. So they really had no clue. I didn't have a clue either.

Now this year, I'm suddenly remembering weird stuff. Like the first time I flew off the handle with an angry fit. I was probably 3 or 4 and I vividly remember screaming at my mom and her referring to it as a "temper tantrum". Actually, hearing those words was what caused this memory to pop up. She was really surprised and embarrassed at my behavior and said I'd never acted like that before. After forgetting about this incident for 30 years I now remember it clear as day. What I also remember is how I felt, like something happened and she wasn't around when it happened and I blamed her for not being around. Like she abandoned me to do something more important and something happened while she was out, and I was too embarrassed to tell her so instead I lashed out. It could have been something as simple as me not knowing where she was and being ignored by a babysitter, I don't know. Problem is, I continued lashing out for years, maybe decades, and it all went back to this weird feeling of being hurt/abandoned or not being important.

Like I said, I don't know if I just freaked out because she was out of the house for an extended amount of time, or if someone watching me did something, or what. That part I don't remember. Whatever occurred before the "temper tantrum" is a total mental block for me. I just remember that first tantrum itself and exactly how I felt.

So how can I figure this out? Hypnosis has been suggested, but I don't know if that'll work, and I'm generally resistant to any sort of psychological push/suggestion. I need to somehow remember what happened, if anything, without getting a "false positive". It could be something as simple as me being angry that my mom wasn't home more often and that I kept having babysitters around instead. I know we've got some smart people here so I'd like to hear any insights or similar experiences.
I underwent guided hypnosis. It worked for revealing things buried in the subconscious and I got some healing out of it. It really fucked my emotions up for a long while though. A tough journey but I think it was worth it.
PM me if you'd like bro, always there for ya.
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Thanks for the responses. One thing I don't think I mentioned in the original post is that my behavioral issues had a very sudden onset. It isn't like they were there all along, or gradually got worse over time. According to my mom and other people who remember me that far back, it was more like "from age 1 to 3 you were this incredibly happy child, then one day you just flew off the handle and from then on you were angry and abusive". Like I went from one extreme to the other in one day and then it just never got any better after that. That plus remembering how I felt during said flying off the handle is why I'm finding myself wondering about this stuff.

I don't think I want to have been abused, though it would at least absolve me of some responsibility. It's more like "if I can figure this out, maybe I can stop having deep-seated anger that I can't explain".

Yeah, most likely. I've found a lot of medical professions in general to be quackery, especially the mental health department. They're still making gangbuster money nowadays because it's become so trendy for people to have "mental illness" and "mental health problems" when in reality they're just stressed-out and can't handle responsibility.

From the responses here I'm thinking it might well have been not getting my way on something that caused the issues. I know my mom breastfed me like a year later than she probably should have (because I remember that now and it's a bit WTF). I basically demanded that it continue so it continued. I think that her drawing a line and ending that practice might actually have coincided somewhat with the onset of my rage-bursts. Maybe the underlying issue is that I wanted more boob and I was being told no. I don't know why these behaviors persisted for like 15 years and made everyone miserable, though. Really could have had a much better life if I hadn't had said issues.

Who knows, at this point. I was considering trying hypnosis but at this point I think a psychiatrist is probably just gonna take me for a ride.
I just don’t see the point of what you’re going after. Someone to blame for you acting shitty? We all act shitty growing up. There’s nothing I can do about shitty stuff I did in the past except be better now and in the future. It doesn’t really matter that I acted shitty cause I had someone beating on me. Yeah they were garbage adults but whatever, fuck them. I just don’t be shitty anymore 🤷‍♂️

Except to you assholes, cause you deserve it.


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