Glad someone else here has an IQ over 50.Overhyped and garbage. Waste of 3 hours.
IQ equals Internet Quotes, right? If so, I'm at around 35. I'm almost there!Glad someone else here has an IQ over 50.
The waves were one of the best concepts. Explain though, how does a ship, much less the crew, survive the crushing force of a black hole? I was under the impression that the gravitational force of a black hole prior to entering would rip a ship apart. If a ship gets torn apart, then a body suit would soon follow. I guess I am wrong?I'm really surprised at how scientifically accurate it was. People complaining about the giant waves, various aspects of the black hole, and the ship being able to leave the other planets really don't know wtf they're talking about. They specifically explained each of those. Also, him being found alive not being a bigger story really isn't that much of a surprise either. First, they never mentioned that him being alivewasn'ta big story. Plus, I doubt his mission even "officially" happened. It's not even clear how many people even knew he was found alive and his connection to his daughter. Way too many assumptions have to be taken for me to really consider it an issue.
Everyone's free to like or dislike whatever they want, but if your reasoning is because the science wasn't good enough then you're probably not as smart as you think you are.
The waves didn't make much sense to me honestly. Not enough depth for that much wave, plus all the other mechanical issues aside.The waves were one of the best concepts. Explain though, how does a ship, much less the crew, survive the crushing force of a black hole? I was under the impression that the gravitational force of a black hole prior to entering would rip a ship apart. If a ship gets torn apart, then a body suit would soon follow. I guess I am wrong?