I'll repeat my post from rustled here-- This is going to be another abomination that will piss of the fan-base and up the faggotry to 11...
So let's take another franchise with a loyal, venomous fan-base (who were already comfortable with flexible gender roles) and force-feed them over-the-top pedantic faggotry and completely piss off hundreds of thousands of loyal readers.
Why? Because being ecclectic isn't enough. Being tolerant isn't enough. Being an artist isn't enough. Being iconoclastic isn't enough. You must be force fed interracial faggotry into source material that is already more progressive/controversial than this remake can ever be.
We must just SMASH any kind of art, even if that art probably helps the woke agenda, and make it pedantic, fascissistic faggotry. Like the original Interview With a Vampire wasn't faggy enough? That didn't serve the woke agenda better than this upcoming trash will?