Algos quietly waiting for all the retail investors to finish selling because they thought the Fed would not raise rates because they watch CNBC...
One thing I truly find interesting about the financial markets is how they are designed to move in relation a certain way. Ideally there should always be a counter to a move and parts should move in the correct direction to those moves. When it works and isnt manipulated its a thing of beauty.dumbasses at zerohedge may have stumbled on a valid concern. It's going to be difficult to tap dance these rate hikes and not invert the yeild curve if the long term growth rate expectations stay low. On the positive side, I think this may be corrected by better long term growth than the bond market is expecting. We are so long removed from a substantive economic expansion that people have trouble seeing one.
Hey at least it was circumstances beyond your control. You could always be a stubborn retard like me and know what to do, yet not follow through.My cat got out and I missed the dipLooks like he just got added to the apocalypse menu.
Time to sell?