Some trades may be confusing because selling options means I'm shorting the position ie profitable means entry higher than exit rather than the other way around.
January Trades -
Best Trades - MPC and QQQ 315 put
Worst Trades - Took losses on PYPL and DKNG decent sized
I ended up just in the red for January due to the size of the paypal loss. Selling calls that go over the strike can be a little confusing, in this case I showed the loss on the call which I actually bought back and then sold the equity. Overall the loss on the call is a reduction in the profit of the equity trade if that makes sense. Will look like I have more loss trades than I really do when they are just stock being called, often times with that being my intention.
February Trades
Best Trades - MPC, SPY
Worst Trades - AMZN, MTTR
In Feb I continued to be aggressive selling calls exited the last tech positions and began trading index heavier. Feb was Green and put me just over break even YTD
March Trades - I made the decision to get out of individual names and did this mostly selling near calls at strikes I hoped would hit. Here you see the calls as red and the equity trades green as I exit those positions. Was a tough month but the QQQ trade put me solid in the green for the month despite a pretty ouchy spy loss
Best Trades - Huge QQQ win 322.50 to 346
Worst Trades - Horrible SPY loss post Fed breakdown
April Trades
Other than maybe 2-3 individual names are exited by the end of April. SPY and QQQ entries at bottom are actually not trades but dividend receipts why they show blank.
Best Trades - MPC yet again and for the third time I hurt myself using calls but I like doing this it forces me to take the sale even though I lost potential gains with how aggressive it was moving.
Worst Trades - Nothing of note just SPY loss dumping out of $447 put
Summer Trades -
I did next to nothing other than ride QQQ on the bounce.
September Trades
September is the first month of the entire year I could actually trade more like normal. Pretty much nothing but selling puts week after week. Tried QQQ a couple times and didn't like the setup.
Options may not seem like much at a $1-2 but x100 x20 contracts x10 a month and it can add up quickly. Other than September this would certainly not be indicative of a normal year for me. Was very distracted most of the time. 2021 was 200+ trades 2020 was 300+. Sept was a little below that pace because of not trading any individual names keeps rather simple having a bunch of QQQ contracts instead of 8-10 different names and brings trade count down a lot.
...edit counted 9 losing trades this year excluding being called. Given the Nasdaq is down 30% that's not too bad in a market up year it would probably be a few less. The overwhelming majority of options I write expire worthless or bought back for pennies.