Mr. Poopybutthole
You just kinda proved my point. Their scale allows them to dominate the manufacturers. It always has.
I'm not saying they can't do it, just wanted to say fuck em.
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You just kinda proved my point. Their scale allows them to dominate the manufacturers. It always has.
Ftfy2. petty comments about people who have a different opinion than they do in every single thread on the board.
I have 1800 posts in this thread, very few of them would fall into either category under any empirical analysis . Though this post by you does seem to land on category 2 rather poignantly .if you thought that was petty, wait til the permabulls in this thread have a green day
there are only two kinds of online discussion about investing.
1. endlessly rehashed quotes attributed to Warren Buffett
2. petty comments about people who invested in the other direction than you did
I've recounted some pretty big mistakes in my past, including investing in some serious shit stocks. There is no successful investor who doesn't have a rap sheet of pretty big fuck ups. It's what you do with that experience moving forward that matters. Every decision should be made weighing current evidence and experience looking forward. If you learn that an investment was a mistake holding it into the future is not productive. Everyday we are making a decision anew to either keep the course or adjust. Learning when to take your lumps and move on is an absolute requirement for future success, that has nothing to do with "what if what I'm holding comes back?" line of thinking. That is still hoping bad decisions be rewarded going forward to undo your "fucktarded" instead of undoing fucktarded by making better decisions.Yeah I read John Bogles Little Book of Investing. But if I was fucktarded enough to dig this hole so deep then I'm fucktarded enough to keep going.
Curious about this. I watch the VIX and have been feeling like its movements are sort of being detached from the markets or at least not nearly as strong as they used to be.I'm looking for the VIX to get on top of it's 50d for the bearish case to strengthen.
I believe it to be relevant enough to watch but not relevant to overly focus on. It does seem to be suppressed compared to investor anxiety. 0 day options are skewing various metrics especially put/call ratios. We are no longer making an apples to apples comparison on some historical data when looking at current data because of these structural changes.Curious about this. I watch the VIX and have been feeling like its movements are sort of being detached from the markets or at least not nearly as strong as they used to be.
Mogs, it seems like you are stuck in a very binary concept of thinking. The secret to success (in all things) is being able to learn and innovate. Example:Yeah I read John Bogles Little Book of Investing. But if I was fucktarded enough to dig this hole so deep then I'm fucktarded enough to keep going.
I put most my money in the s&p and generally leave it there. I like to minimize the amount of money I set on fire.Yeah I read John Bogles Little Book of Investing. But if I was fucktarded enough to dig this hole so deep then I'm fucktarded enough to keep going.
Sell it all!