Why it's possible to have too much employment in the U.S.
Since 1977, the Federal Reserve has focused on creating maximum employment and stable prices, commonly known as the dual mandate.
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What election? It's April 2023.nice little shift going into the election, inflation is because we did too good of job, not cause we barfed out unlimited funny money
Primaries start Jan 2024. We are 30 to 45 days out from campaigns and ads starting to really gear up.What election? It's April 2023.
Yeah inflation is due to employment maxing. Ok. How is it grown adults don’t understand basic currency debasement via printing presses?
Which one of you former multiboxing mmo'er is it? It's a boomer so I figuredSanrith Descartes mebbe?
What about these tards not realizing a 4k screen can display 4 1080 sized windows?The different types of monitors is making me physically ill
My guess is that all those are purchased over the course of years or decades, so the old ones get put up on the wall, as the "shit still works, might as well use it" type thing. When he bought new ones, it could be hard to justify spending big bucks for big screens when he has a bunch of working ones at home, but those smaller wide screens are on sale......so, might as well get those.What about these tards not realizing a 4k screen can display 4 1080 sized windows?
Its not about multi-tasking if you're a software developer. It's about having the space to view multiple aspects of whatever you're working on without having to alt-tab constantly.Two monitors is a frivolous luxury. It has literally no actual benefit for a person competent to operate a computer (alt-tab makes this pointless). But at least a person could argue, (and they do, retardedly), that it "makes things easier" because they can read things off one screen then type something on the other, or some variation on this retarded idea.
I've got two monitors, largely for the reason descrived above -- hell, the old one still works so why get rid of it. Its pretty much useless, and the second one is off most of the day. I occasionally look at it. But its frivolous, not really a useful thing.
Cause heres the thing. A human being can never, ever, ever multitask. You are only ever looking at or interacting with a single monitor. Ever. There are no exceptions (except see below)
Having a wall of multiple monitors, if you're not multiboxing for the highest serverwide burst dps, is so fucking insanely dumb it physically hurts me that there are people who not only do it but then post it to the internet as if it was a source of pride rather than something to be mocked.
Guys check out my new rig, I have 26 keyboards, one for each letter of the alphabet. Fucking uber
lol whatTwo monitors is a frivolous luxury. It has literally no actual benefit for a person competent to operate a computer (alt-tab makes this pointless). But at least a person could argue, (and they do, retardedly), that it "makes things easier" because they can read things off one screen then type something on the other, or some variation on this retarded idea.
I've got two monitors, largely for the reason descrived above -- hell, the old one still works so why get rid of it. Its pretty much useless, and the second one is off most of the day. I occasionally look at it. But its frivolous, not really a useful thing.
Cause heres the thing. A human being can never, ever, ever multitask. You are only ever looking at or interacting with a single monitor. Ever. There are no exceptions (except see below)
Having a wall of multiple monitors, if you're not multiboxing for the highest serverwide burst dps, is so fucking insanely dumb it physically hurts me that there are people who not only do it but then post it to the internet as if it was a source of pride rather than something to be mocked.
Guys check out my new rig, I have 26 keyboards, one for each letter of the alphabet. Fucking uber
At my place they just give us a 42” monitor with a 24” vertical on both sides and it solves this problem. We can have that many Bloomberg screens open and not look like idiots.What about these tards not realizing a 4k screen can display 4 1080 sized windows?