So as I recall your reasoning on entering this trade, you were hoping that the runup would continue, but there was more opportunity in the small cap index because things like QQQ and SPY didn't have as much room left to run. Your price target was in the 210-ish range. Since IWM hasn't gotten there and you decided to cut bait, does this mean you're seeing signs that the rest of the market has topped as well and it's pullback time?
I've been seeing various prognosticators talk about all the bad signs in the economy at large for several months now. And not the ZH type guys either, or at least I don't think they're ZH type guys. Heresy financial's vids I watch on a semi-regular basis, for instance. So I guess the question is, do you think the stock market is finally going to start to be affected by all the bad signs we're seeing in the real economy and we're heading down or are we a ways off yet?