It's a pretty scary thing, you see the tight rope being walked and that makes you want to be cautious and take less risk, but that same instinct could end up hurting you more. It is very counterintuitive. And of course the solution can't be to throw caution to the wind. High liquidity environments result in malinvestment and there will certainly be a lot of wealth destruction even in the positive outcome scenario (positive for the S&P anyway, RIP middleclass)Blazin
Been saying this for some time in my trade circles. The only way out of the debt problem is to inflate it away.
Makes sense on a government level, corporate level, as well as personal level. It just absolutely fucks anyone sitting in cash. I wish I had thrown more into hard assets like houses & land in March 2020. I too severely underestimated the money printing.
For me, it's saying no to debt instruments. THey are death, capital needs to be working in productive and hard assets. I hope this thread helps people, myself included, see through the mist and make good decisions for the coming decade. It's not going to be easy, but turtling in cash isn't likely to be the answer.
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