Need a new emote for the permabears.Starting to think my 5500 end of year guess was overshooting it a bit, and I should've gone lower.
I expected us to keep crawling up until summer when we got a correction just bordering in bear, before pulling back up to 5500. This is looking more like the start of a bear year in totality.
Jim Cramer agrees with this sentiment.Starting to think my 5500 end of year guess was overshooting it a bit, and I should've gone lower.
I expected us to keep crawling up until summer when we got a correction just bordering in bear, before pulling back up to 5500. This is looking more like the start of a bear year in totality.
Sounds reasonable given that its already January 13th.Starting to think my 5500 end of year guess was overshooting it a bit, and I should've gone lower.
I expected us to keep crawling up until summer when we got a correction just bordering in bear, before pulling back up to 5500. This is looking more like the start of a bear year in totality.
So.. when we talk about "corrections"...
What is the usual drop % and time frame that most consider a "correction" for a stock?
Asking for a 'friend'..