Has anyone messed around with personalcapital.com? I caught wind of it a little over a month ago during college football and signed up for the free side of it (they interface with your other investments, credit cards, bank, mortgage, etc. and give you a breakdown of the overall portfolio vs. the market on the free). Unsurprisingly, they called me about a month later to try and sell me investment advice, which I was a bit leery of since I have done pretty decent managing this on my own and am sketchy about paying a fee for someone else to manage my investments. In the end, I think I am going to give them a go and see how it plays out as their strategy makes a helluva lot of sense to me.
They play a market neutral approach by sector, evenly investing in each sector (this is statistically more sound than my current strategy as it will avoid sector bubbles), but utilize tax loss harvesting to balance gains you will see in other sectors. I personally am pretty negative on the market outlook, but as easily as sliding my risk profile to conservative, they recalculate an appropriate investment mix with more allocated to bonds while still having a balanced investment cross-section (my plan is to wait for the next big crash which I feel is imminent and then get aggressive, if it doesn't happen in 2 years I'll get back to middle of the road and just ride it). They do charge 0.89%, but only on the portion of your investments they have custody on. The remainder, such as my and my wife's 401ks, they will advise on and consider for your overall portfolio, but you get the advice for free.
I also like the notion that if I keel over before my wife, at least someone will have a notion of what to do with our investments.
Anyways, story is just curious if anyone else has had experience with them and what is your take? If nothing else, I'd recommend trying them out on the free just for the tool they have to aggregate your investments in a single place.