New guy here so thanks everyone. Joined during the meme stocks! So 90% of my investment was 401k or me on etrade buying for long term(5-10 years retirement). But i learned alot during this and actually did make money(not much as i was risk adverse, so only made about 2k)....but from what ive learned i now have some questions. All of this is side money outside of normal 401k shit
1.) if i reallywant to buy for long term. It seems like it would be foolish not to do a put sell(right term?) where i say im willing to buy at X and get paid whether it reaches that or not and if it does then i get the stock i want to hold for 5+ years anyway at a rate i that correct? I understand the risk of that stock going to shit but thats not my concern here....i think its a balancing act of not picking a put such that i just close instantly and also not so far away that i chase the stock until i die....
2.) if im not interested in a day trading type thing, i can also sell my 100 shares at option too, correct? So once again i assume the balance is pricing such that the option wont get called(assuming i want to keep my shares) and try to make some money from them? But also whats the thoght on if ive owned those shares for 2 years and pretty much any strike is profit already, would i be ok taking more “risk”(meaning my option is called) because i could then just start over with a new stock?
Again i dont think im going to be a day trader, but im wondering if i can be slightly more aggressive in my secondary fund without risking it all. The above two seemed like good ideas