Molten Core Raider
- 884
- 638
I would say CS3704 would be a good marketable skill the pick up and it is required for your CS4704 selection, so there is a gap in your planning. Since you indicate you have to finish CS 3114 I don't think you could have taken CS3704 already. It will be a good foundation for being a Software Engineer instead of a Software Developer. A good company is going to value knowing how to tackle a real world project more vs being able to do a small school project/assignment and being told what to code. And HUGE key green light is 'Significant software project required.' for CS4704
CS3774 would be questionably marketable depending on what jobs you plan on applying for. If it is applicable, you should be looking at a math double major or at least a math minor. Otherwise, I would drop this for the required pre-req you are missing.
CS4604 sounds like a good choice.
CS4284 is questionable unless you don't plan on going into software development. I'd rather see a focused candidate than one that has dabbled in everything with a lot not being applicable to the role. And would be borderline material to be dropped from a resume depending on what you are applying for.
I would recommend CS4984 Cloud Software Development instead. It involves more applicable project work you can put on a resume and it involves database programming/web programming/cloud so those are all going to be good keyword hits on experience.
2nd would be CS3714: Mobile Software Development. It is starting be be more niche in marketability,and a lot of jobs will be for short term projects that don't have long term job security. But it is still something that can show experience in learning different technologies. 3rd CS3724: Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction for times when developers are tasked to take on the design role.
I'm making assumptions on what your job goals are, but for a Software Engineer role those are my recommendations.
CS3774 would be questionably marketable depending on what jobs you plan on applying for. If it is applicable, you should be looking at a math double major or at least a math minor. Otherwise, I would drop this for the required pre-req you are missing.
CS4604 sounds like a good choice.
CS4284 is questionable unless you don't plan on going into software development. I'd rather see a focused candidate than one that has dabbled in everything with a lot not being applicable to the role. And would be borderline material to be dropped from a resume depending on what you are applying for.
I would recommend CS4984 Cloud Software Development instead. It involves more applicable project work you can put on a resume and it involves database programming/web programming/cloud so those are all going to be good keyword hits on experience.
2nd would be CS3714: Mobile Software Development. It is starting be be more niche in marketability,and a lot of jobs will be for short term projects that don't have long term job security. But it is still something that can show experience in learning different technologies. 3rd CS3724: Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction for times when developers are tasked to take on the design role.
I'm making assumptions on what your job goals are, but for a Software Engineer role those are my recommendations.