Sounds like your game was further along than Pantheon.
The RPG-esque game is actually a pretty common OO teaching tool as well. I know I had to write it in my HS comp sci class. I guess my major beef with many OO programming problems is the similarities for finding the object oriented relationships are always so well defined and hard. Often times in my real world the relationships and similarities are more abstract and harder to find so I don't start out with "Room" or "Player" interface it grows more organically. But with OO classwork this investigation and trial and error is rarely taught. There is no problem solving (which, IMO, is a core principal in being a competent programmer) it is just "Here is the problem; here will be your interfaces. Do it."
The RPG-esque game is actually a pretty common OO teaching tool as well. I know I had to write it in my HS comp sci class. I guess my major beef with many OO programming problems is the similarities for finding the object oriented relationships are always so well defined and hard. Often times in my real world the relationships and similarities are more abstract and harder to find so I don't start out with "Room" or "Player" interface it grows more organically. But with OO classwork this investigation and trial and error is rarely taught. There is no problem solving (which, IMO, is a core principal in being a competent programmer) it is just "Here is the problem; here will be your interfaces. Do it."