It is if you want to buy land in California.Its not always about money
So obviously I'm dropping the tie and probably swapping the dress shoes for a more casual boot. So that would leave a plaid button-down, some chinos and some dress-ish boots (they're more normal boots I wear almost every day.) I really doubt they want people showing up in jeans and a tshirt.Blizzard is a CASUAL work environment therefore a suit and tie aren't necessary. Our interviews can be lengthy and we want you to be as comfortable as we are, so please.leave the business attire at home!
Thats kind of what I was thinking too. The plaid shirt w/o tie is already semi-casual and the pants I'm wearing aren't dress pants they're just your standard chinos (with wood buttons which dress them down even more.) I think that should be fine. I just don't want to look too corporate going there but I'm sure what I was planning on wearing is pretty common for their candidates.I always dress for interviews one-up from the position i'm applying for.
So if it was a place where everyone wore dress shirts and ties I would wear a suit. If they said the place was casual I think what you're planning is fine.
Just think about all the retarded shit Blizzard has done over the years, their hiring standards can't be that high. You'll be fine I'm sure.I understand how to bitmask but if they asked me why you'd ever bitmask or how to improve a function's efficiency via bitmasking I'd be at a loss. The only bit trick I know is shifting everything to the right to simulate divide by 2.