Ya, not understanding the choice option and seems to be riddled in this thread more than swiss cheese? Companies generally want an expert in the slot for lowest pay possible. Non-forced Job seekers (meaning those not fired/Laid off but those wanting more money or change) sometimes want out of the crappy situation, wont find too many companies willing to pay them to learn and catchup.
Intersecting Graph would show current salary limit vs available companies willing to hire with seekers past/current experience. There are a ton more options, Street Corner Hooker, Fluffer, or even burger monitor for a fortune 500 company but it comes down to required salary, benefits and personal benefits of the situation like location and change of daily office grind that force the seeker into limits selections based on current availability at the current time. Things can get old, change is needed. Sometimes when something shows up you have to weight the options to get out or sit there in that pot of boiling water hoping all will be fine.
Gone of days of employees staying at 1 company for multiple decades and even greater when you climb the pay scale.
Depending on current job and changes in the future, this has a greater possibility to be more hirable on the resume than hurtful if one wants to more on after this. Been many a time in interviews HR and TL have seen that on the resume and looked kindly on it, granted many have not worked in that sector and it still holds a special Awe with their no knowledge of it. Benefits to the seeker.
As in many jobs, if you want to learn something new and impress others on the internets, its in the realm of hobby or training to get into that next career. Not to mention, easier to present your work since its not from your employer's. You own it, can show it and make changes to it and will continue to own it after switching careers and companies.