Such a lawyer will ( I sincerely HOPE!) also be a shoe in for a judges position to hear all these terrible IP cases in the future. I wish more people would (and could afford) to take the cross disciplinary plunge like Cad, the education system is much too specialized and world much too complicated. The damn IT industry moves so freaking fast, it will be nice to eventually have some judges on the bench that were born AFTER the the birth of darpanet and introduction of personal computers.
Oh, in my view Cads combination of skills is not terrifying at all, I can see it leading us all to a glorious future!
Imagine Cad in a nice Full Bottom Wig, all grown up and grizzled now..... leveling from Wow noobie to Foh veteran to.... Rerolled.... Rererolled..... to election as Ubah FoH Forum Judgerator extraordinaire .....all the way to Supreme Court Judge!!
Sitting @ home in his work study crapper, starting to boot Virtual Supreme Court v 4 as he sits on the throne, activating *live* feed of his holodeck, the crapper walls turn from pink unicorns into a virtual court room. Our Intellectual Property Justice Warrior, his scientia potentia est motto embazoned on his robe, right over his heart and the <3 Trex tattoo, he judiciously ponders "Knowledge is powah!" as he prepares to rule in the case of celebrity IP infringement case:
Foh et all vs Requiem 2056.
Who owns the data and has the right to exploit it for profit to market to our children and grandchildren 40 years from now! Can our grandkids quote the wisdom of Furor the Holy rants for free or should they have to pay a retroactive Quoting Tax now that FoH has FINALLY bought the ANCIENT original FoH SCSI I data drive...... Requiem thinks he is owed 50 Digi-turd-lets per quote up to the second the diginal ink dried on the 1st of January 2056, then all proceeds feed the Fires of Heaven.....
You ready Cad?