The mouth breather @ gsa who is in charge of the purchase order probably cant find a business that is owned by a blind native american lesbian thats missing 3 limbs that sells them.Heh my company laptop is very high end and I can get almost anything. Govt one? 20lb piece of complete useless shit that has trouble opening pdfs
The mouth breather @ gsa who is in charge of the purchase order probably cant find a business that is owned by a blind native american lesbian thats missing 3 limbs that sells them.
to be fair, you must think of indian it tech support to distinguish them properly.Native American? How pc of you
Hehe...large scale govt *security* and bureaucracy is hillarious, always was, is, and will be an annoying joke. Things were so much simpler in the mainframe only days: security? top notch! network threats? None! GUI ? model 3270 terminal cursor weeee. Ya, I am NOT advocating going back in time for everyone, as in some ways it was the dark ages under IBMs (mostly) iron fist, but even today the mainframe hardware, environment and tools still have many advantages over todays more modern open systems. Anyone here know JCL, or is familiar with the software stack and use of test, certification and production environment partitions on mainframes?
You should be a smartass and remind them how many of those "vetted" things in the past had heartbleed.
Ugh, god, fucking government old IE?
Aye, AS400 is one of those funny self sustaining beasts, 99% dead end but in super high demand for those customers still stuck in those micro-markets. If it works, dont F with it! (Much like the ADA applications below hehe) Long term customers are really happy with em, but they are today weird obsolete time warps.AS/400 techs are increasingly ancient but in high demand. They all look like hairband rejects stuck in the '80's.
I have a disability. Being a shithead is quite debilitatingAccording to that I have a disability (diabetes)
AS/400 techs are increasingly ancient but in high demand. They all look like hairband rejects stuck in the '80's.
According to that I have a disability (diabetes)
Aye, AS400 is one of those funny self sustaining beasts, 99% dead end but in super high demand for those customers still stuck in those micro-markets. If it works, dont F with it! (Much like the ADA applications below hehe) Long term customers are really happy with em, but they are today weird obsolete time warps.
Mainframes on other hand are alive and kicking and as profitable as always, well worth a look if you have a chance to do development on em.
As for ADA, if you get bored of your current contractor but want to leverage you newfangled ADA skills, they might be transferable to (probably maintenance/extension) work on (legacy) applications such as ..... Who's Using Ada?
Quite frustrating, but it is not a *fault* of C++ IMHO, but rather a *feature* and part of its C origins and compatability legacy. The language is flexible and lets you do a wide variety of things and it is up to the dev shop to set its own coding standards.Some of that is C++'s fault, some of it mine because I don't get to actually program in it often but have to look at it every damn day.
Why is shit like this allowed in a strong typed language?
Seriously, what's the point of that, int = char? Why be strong typed if you're going to be sloppy with some of the very base types?