I copied and pasted a vba macro for Excel to keep a log of what changes in a spreadsheet, unfortunately i need to customize it slightly to include the project name located in the first column and I'm completely clueless. Anyone know this stuff?
I copied and pasted a vba macro for Excel to keep a log of what changes in a spreadsheet, unfortunately i need to customize it slightly to include the project name located in the first column and I'm completely clueless. Anyone know this stuff?
Link me to the code dog.
Option Explicit
Const intUsernameColumn = 1
Const intCellRefColumn = 2
Const intNewValueColumn = 3
Const intTimestampColumn = 4
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim shtLog As Worksheet
Dim cll As Variant
Dim lngNextRow As Long
Set shtLog = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Log")
For Each cll In Target.Cells
lngNextRow = shtLog.Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=[A1], Searchorder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row + 1
shtLog.Cells(lngNextRow, intUsernameColumn).Value = Environ("username")
shtLog.Cells(lngNextRow, intCellRefColumn).Value = cll.Address
shtLog.Cells(lngNextRow, intNewValueColumn).Value = cll.Value
shtLog.Cells(lngNextRow, intTimestampColumn).Value = Format(Now, "dd-mmm-yy hh:mm:ss")
Next cll
End Sub
Thanks for the tip. That sounds like a solid route once I get some stability back in my life (moving and still unemployed waiting for paperwork to finish). For sure going to be staying on my path to get my degree. That's going to help immensely in my career regardless of what path I took.Bro, keep on your path at university if you want that particular field. If you want a really strong course in software dev/programming I recommend the Full Stack Engineering cert from udacity.com. Precourses are all free and when you're ready for the actual course its $200/mo. Took me 3 months working part time then they paid me back half of what I paid them. So, in the end it cost $300. Well worth it.
I got it because I didn't feel like paying 50k for a Masters and these certs do a lot of shit that's industry standard. I like Udacity because the coursework was designed by Google/Microsoft to teach what they want devs to know.
Crone I'll give some advice as a dude that went back to school late in life. Now a distinction I'll make up front is that my degree is in computer engineering, but it has a very similar course track to computer science. I only say this because myself and Deathwing are a couple of the few doing coding that didn't go for the traditional computer science route.
First off don't switch majors yet. Way too many people get into programming and find they hate it. Even if you think you're going to love it, when you're knee deep debugging several thousand lines of code across thousands of source files to figure out why a bit is being set to 0 when it should be set to 1 you start to rethink your life.
If you enjoy scripting take a look at some of the languages that are more geared towards that. although I typically wouldn't recommend python to a beginner because it's a bit high level, it's probably the easiest language to understand. There's a good series of python tutorials out there like Teach Yourself Python the Hard Way or whatever it's called. Also their official site has good tutorials.
Code camps can be good or bad. Most focus on turning you into someone that can speak well towards certain aspects but they lay virtually no groundwork.
The MIT and Harvard courses (free) are very good but they do move fast.
I recommend getting your feet wet. Make a simple program. Start with just printing stuff. Maybr a rudimentary command line calculator. Do some file manipulation. If you enjoy that stuff then consider moving forward professionally.
Nice post. I would agree 100% though I would like to comment on "they do move fast" wrt University lectures and material.Crone First off don't switch majors yet. Way too many people get into programming and find they hate it. Even if you think you're going to love it, when you're knee deep debugging several thousand lines of code across thousands of source files to figure out why a bit is being set to 0 when it should be set to 1 you start to rethink your life. -----<snip>------
The MIT and Harvard courses (free) are very good but they do move fast.
I recommend getting your feet wet. Make a simple program. Start with just printing stuff. Maybr a rudimentary command line calculator. Do some file manipulation. If you enjoy that stuff then consider moving forward professionally.
What's wrong with Curse. Why would yours be better?If anyone needs a project, write a wow addon updater that doesn't suck. I had a working prototype done in Python (using Beautiful Soup Lib) and SQLite that would search curseforge and wowace and compare the newest version of the searched addon in the repo to the version I had stored in the database as my installed version and if newer it would download, extract and copy to the addon folder, then update the DB.
I can't seem to find any of it now though after the move (I think it was on a thumb drive I dumped my HD contents too from my previous work PC). It wasn't a terrible amount of work as the curseforge/wowace repos are really easy to navigate programatically once you know the format. I just don't have much free time to work with right now.
What's wrong with Curse. Why would yours be better?
All tyens have dicks in their assesall ads have malware.