A Mod Real Quick
I didn't mean the opinion thing in a bad way, it's actually a very good thing. If anything it will show you how different people think of solutions. Also will teach you some stuff and also make you appreciate software engineering in general because there's almost never only one way or even one right way to do something.Noodleface Why does it not surprise me that this place has opinions?
So to everyone, what would you recommend the best place to go to get my feet wet? The most experience I have with anything is programming in Visual Basic 6.0 I believe it was back in 2000, and it was a shitty time trying to stay focused to work my way through programming a stupid program that would convert Celcius to Fahrenheit. At least 16 years ago it was shitty, but I'm older and more mature now, right?
I'll take a look around at Udacity, as that sounds like a pretty good place to start.
alavaz I wonder if a project like that as a collaboration would be a good idea (if people are interested)