I usually read this as "We were unable to attract and retain the talent to make [Cassandra,Riak, etc] work, so switched to what we could pay the least for." Or they started with MongoDB and realized what a clusterfuck that is(I seriously do not understand Mongo, as far as I can tell, there's absolutely no use case for Mongo where there just isn't a clearly better alternative, it has no use case).
Though as far as SQL goes, I do love Postgres.
All in all I'm pretty happy that the "NoSQL" revolution finally happened, I still end up using SQL in a good number of places where it makes sense, but (pulling out of ass) I feel like roughly 7/10 times all a specific program really needs is a nested hash-map with a handful of very specific(very performant) queries.
After having worked with it for so long I really believe it's best to build with scalability and simplicity in mind first, and then pull back towards relational only if you're running into data barriers that your noSQL choice can't solve efficiently, and even then...to me it makes more sense to take your noSQL data and put it into SQL rather than switch to SQL as your prime data store. I usually have a cassandra or risk cluster as prime and then just mirror the data to postgres for relational queries if needed.