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So I finally get access to my business units data in Snowflake earlier today. I sit down to get a feel for it and realize they gave me access to the wrong group. Wohn wohn.
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I've never did snowflake, but troubleshooting these integrations can be a pain as there are a bunch of settings that can fuck it up and then updates will cause either side's documentation to be off. Really have to comb through the logs and see the request and response and potentially find a potential mismatch of what is expected.TJT I remember you having experience with Snowflake, have you had users connect via Power BI (desktop or service)? Apparently, it’s a little weird with AzureAD SSO. I’m getting “ODBC: ERROR [28000] Invalid OAuth access token”.
The neither side admin seem to know why.
Failed to update data source credentials: ODBC:ERROR [28000] Invalid OAuth access token. [<number>]. | Verify that the external_oauth_issuer parameter contains the correct value. In Azure AD, verify the access token is current. |
I use snowflake all day every day.TJT I remember you having experience with Snowflake, have you had users connect via Power BI (desktop or service)? Apparently, it’s a little weird with AzureAD SSO. I’m getting “ODBC: ERROR [28000] Invalid OAuth access token”.
The neither side admin seem to know why.
Yeah, I followed the main solutions. Power BI and ODBC driver is up to date.I've never did snowflake, but troubleshooting these integrations can be a pain as there are a bunch of settings that can fuck it up and then updates will cause either side's documentation to be off. Really have to comb through the logs and see the request and response and potentially find a potential mismatch of what is expected.
Another thread said ensure BI is fully updated.
Power BI SSO to Snowflake | Snowflake Documentation
Failed to update data source credentials: ODBC:ERROR [28000] Invalid OAuth access token. [<number>].
Verify that the external_oauth_issuer parameter contains the correct value. In Azure AD, verify the access token is current.
Yeah, SSO is being rejected. Based on my dealing with the Snowflake admin team, I’m pretty sure they need to fix some user account settings. I’m waiting to hear back on a couple emails that have gone outI use snowflake all day every day.
I've killed all other BI tools at my company and we only use Looker now. Took two years but we have full consolidation of the myriad of stupid shit bought over the years. I haven't used power BI in ages but seems your SSO is fucking with the connection through power BI?
Do you require your actual user to connect to Snowflake? My solution does not. I have a service account that only exists within snowflake and does not have any SSO attached to it in the greater company org. That is the sole connection to the database from Looker.Yeah, I followed the main solutions. Power BI and ODBC driver is up to date.
Yeah, SSO is being rejected. Based on my dealing with the Snowflake admin team, I’m pretty sure they need to fix some user account settings. I’m waiting to hear back on a couple emails that have gone out
Do the user mappings match? Adfs can send over the subject as upn, username, ect depending how the app is setup in adfs. The service provider will usually be expecting it in a matching nameid format on how the accounts are setup in snow.Yeah, I followed the main solutions. Power BI and ODBC driver is up to date.
Yeah, SSO is being rejected. Based on my dealing with the Snowflake admin team, I’m pretty sure they need to fix some user account settings. I’m waiting to hear back on a couple emails that have gone out
if snowflake is up to date, it might be a discrepancy with nameID attribution, or token generation that devs have to fix. I have only been in the IAM industry for about a year, and I cant tell you how often token generation, or authorization protocol breaks when they update something.TJT I remember you having experience with Snowflake, have you had users connect via Power BI (desktop or service)? Apparently, it’s a little weird with AzureAD SSO. I’m getting “ODBC: ERROR [28000] Invalid OAuth access token”.
The neither side admin seem to know why.
Do it the way Google does their CAPTCHA tests. You know, the "click on all squares that contain a fire hydrant.": Compile the JavaScript to a virtual machine target that has a VM runtime in the browser in JavaScript. For good measure the code is encrypted, the code can change it's own key at runtime and the VM can dynamically change what VM instructions do. I think the current implementation does this twice.My project uses large javascript libraries I've spent 3 years writing which are the biggest asset of the company.
Anyone got any tips on obscuring your code for your website?
My project uses large javascript libraries I've spent 3 years writing which are the biggest asset of the company. Worried about competitors stealing parts of it.
If anyone is curious, it's a website which generates practice/homework questions for middle/high school students.
Copyright ? 2014 David Bushell | BSD & MIT license | Pikaday/Pikaday
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I've been dinking around with this app "Mimo" for a couple days. Ive read up on it and it appears to be pretty basic in the grand scheme. Regardless of the overall opinion, I want to learn Python. Which is where Mimo came into play. For self taught, what are my best options? Should I keep going with mimo? It seems really nice so far?...
I dont have a computer science degree - are there not self taught people out there anymore that have an extraordinary skill set?
Doesn't work. Took me one Ctrl-Alt-L in a JetBrains IDE to reformat the code, and you can use the refactoring tools to rename functions and variables:just look at that
(function (l, q) {
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n(a) && a.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
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c = u(c, d), a.fireEvent("on" + b, c))
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0 > a.month && (a.year -= Math.ceil(Math.abs(a.month) / 12), a.month += 12);
11 < a.month && (a.year += Math.floor(Math.abs(a.month) / 12), a.month -= 12);
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This totally depends if you already know programming, algorithms and data structures and if you are already familiar with core concepts of object-oriented programming and functional programming (which comes into play in Python with things like generators and iterators).Regardless of the overall opinion, I want to learn Python. Which is where Mimo came into play. For self taught, what are my best options?
If I heavily invested into self taught in the fields a position requires - could I even intern anywhere? After the fact, would that be enough to be hired w/o a CS degree?
I haven’t been in college for almost 14 years and god I do not want to go back. Especially after seeing how many classes I would have to take over and the gluttonous pointless amount of classes added to the curriculums.
Will be very difficult. You will likely need to join a smaller company which does not pay well and then work up from there.If I heavily invested into self taught in the fields a position requires - could I even intern anywhere? After the fact, would that be enough to be hired w/o a CS degree?
I haven’t been in college for almost 14 years and god I do not want to go back. Especially after seeing how many classes I would have to take over and the gluttonous pointless amount of classes added to the curriculums.
The CS degree itself is a piece of paper, and its worth seems to be slowly dminishing by both the sheer amount of people that have one and can't code their way out of a wet paperbag, and by the decline of the higher education industry in the USA, and the reforms of the higher-education due to the Bologna Process in the EU.If I heavily invested into self taught in the fields a position requires - could I even intern anywhere? After the fact, would that be enough to be hired w/o a CS degree?
I haven’t been in college for almost 14 years and god I do not want to go back. Especially after seeing how many classes I would have to take over and the gluttonous pointless amount of classes added to the curriculums.