IT/Software career thread: Invert binary trees for dollars.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
So this has been really annoying me and I can't figure out any way to resolve it as of last week. I have Python 2 an Python 3 installed because of legacy garbage. When I make something quickly I generally don't bother with VENV because I just don't care.

However. No matter which interpreter I am using, as of last week, VS Code will only look at the packages I installed in Python 2 despite the workspace being in 3. How retarded am I exactly? What caused this?

Yes I know I can just create a VENV to avoid this. But why did it happen? I tore apart my path settings and couldn't find a rational explanation.


A Mod Real Quick
Here's a good one. I was given a key-pair back in Sept/Oct to be used to authenticate firmware images. Coded it up, tested it with images, and committed it. The tool used to generate images wasn't going to be ready until February, so we committed our code knowing it probably works, but be prepared for it to not.

Yesterday we get an email that they're ready and want to test. We test some images and they fail authentication. Release is this Friday for them, so a fire is started at the corporate level. Since this is a security thing, it's super high priority.

I dig into it and my first question is "what key pair did you guys use?" Oh... we changed the one we were using.

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Bronze Baron of the Realm
I was going to ask the same question. Never been anywhere that had a target bonus. Normally just a sliding scale in the owners head pegged to profts.


Same trailer, different park
Noodleface Noodleface - the individual modifier is bullshit. As a manager, the default is all your directs are at 100%. To reward anyone above 100%, you have to remove a percentage from other team members, or you go over budget and it won't be approved. Joe might deserve 115%, but Chris is gonna have to clock in at like 90% and you're gonna have to tell him why he sucked, even if he performed exactly as you expected of him.
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<Bronze Donator>
Maybe it was the guy that was always talking shit, balking at review comments. Noodleface Noodleface hit him where it hurts.



Got something right about marriage
Noodleface Noodleface - the individual modifier is bullshit. As a manager, the default is all your directs are at 100%. To reward anyone above 100%, you have to remove a percentage from other team members, or you go over budget and it won't be approved. Joe might deserve 115%, but Chris is gonna have to clock in at like 90% and you're gonna have to tell him why he sucked, even if he performed exactly as you expected of him.

Is Noodle supposed to feel bad about this?
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A Mod Real Quick
This was company-wide, or org-wide, not the manager modifier stuff.

Also dude... real names... what is tihs


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Just gave my two weeks, after 9 years. 25k wage increase, mad bennies, hopefully normal work environment, compensation/bonusses for certs, place wants to be google with the perks!

Hopefully I can hack it!
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A Mod Real Quick
Debugged maybe 40 hours over the last 3 days since code freeze was yesterday and here I am... And finally it works

I won't get into the gory details, but basically I wrote code that worked months ago. Some team was doing work that uses my code and didn't test until Tuesday of this week. Surprise they changed stuff in the background that broke my code. Pretty salty about it, management knows what happened.

Was working until 1am for a few nights. But here I am code complete. Fuck yes

Edit: oh god my test was flawed. It doesn't work!!!!
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A Mod Real Quick
Got it working today.

Had to add a single goddamn function call to my code to load the specific algorithm we needed. Fuck you openssl, and fuck your shitty documentation.

Also a secondary fuck you to EDK2 for being built in such a way that you can't customize openssl
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<Bronze Donator>
Spent 2 hours reviewing some kinda cringey code. It works, mostly, but it has some pretty stupid mistakes like debug print statements, not checking on the results of copying files over network mounts, or not realizing a variable won't exist if none of the if/else if statements are true(scope in Python is fun...). One of my comments got a simple "disagree". Most of the responses could be summarized by "I don't want to put the work in to change this because it would mean I have to test stuff again".

How do you deal with people that obviously don't want their code reviewed?


How do you deal with people that obviously don't want their code reviewed?
I don't code and so I don't do reviews but does it have to be you reviewing his code? Like you and him are paired in some way or can you just say "I don't review code done by Frank" and then someone else has to?