You better not fucking cry when people start chain reporting all his posts!
You mean, like 10m after he started posting again the other day? LOL
Good to know the mods are cucks and no longer enforce bets, Bernie is less of a cuck than you faggots.
I said from the outset that we had no business enforcing some retarded bet on the Internet that had a bunch of people crying, but I got overruled on that one. Best I can say is talk to Tuco or one of the other Mods that backed that bet. Tell Tuco I suck buckets of cock, he'll probably agree.
looks like Burnnoob took his losing from the NFL thread to this thread. Nice to see everyone still making fun of him!
I'm glad you guys finally managed to work that issue out yourselves. I never did see anyone report a single post from there, so I can't imagine that whatever debate you guys were having managed to scar anyone permanently. Another crisis averted!
Others may not care. If those others include the mods, then the mods have decided that avatar betting is now de-facto no longer a thing around here..
I can only speak for myself, but put me down in the "IDGAF" column. If you think that Araysar is some kind of nefarious, mustache-twirling bet-welcher...then I dunno, avoid any bets with him in the future? He's pretty much blacklisted in most peoples minds already, and he's more or less attacked on sight. People talk like bets were hallowed ground or something, maybe they were with Tuco in the past, but the way I see it people just trip over themselves anymore to run crying to the Mods anytime someone says something they don't like. If Araysar is the forum equivalent of the kid on the playground that no one can get along with, then FFS stop playing with him. I thought people were really overreacting to his
"I took a video of racism but can't post it"posts, but I wasn't going to go into that thread and defend him from getting dogpiled, either. As long as it doesn't devolve too far I don't really have a problem with people getting run out of a thread on a rail, so to speak. I thought the entire thing was a trainwreck, but whatever.
I assume this will be a wildly unpopular post, but I'm not going to sugar-coat it. I sure as shit am not doing this to be popular or for any sense of enjoyment (being Amod pretty much destroys that completely). And this is just my 2 cents; I'm not speaking for any other Mod on this, so please don't go giving other Mods a bunch of shit. I unbanned him, people can neg me, PM me, call me a piece of shit asshole Nazimod or simply go over my head if they want.
EDIT: got sidetracked with RL stuff and now I see Tuco sneaked a post in there. Fucking typical.