Say that shit to my face, faggot!Araysar = BLM
Mods = Bernie
You better not fucking cry when people start chain reporting all his posts!Say that shit to my face, faggot!
Also, we unbannbed Araysar because it was getting boring around here. Now look at y'all just giving him all this attention!
I moved from Chicago 3 years ago. Also lol at me coaching anyone on being a better poster. I can barely spell!Abe you should take araysar out for a picnic at the mirror bean and life coach him to be a better poster
Good to know the mods are cucks and no longer enforce bets, Bernie is less of a cuck than you faggots.Sorry, it's all we've got left at this point. Honestly though, it was mentioned that a year ban was long enough and the mods all agreed. It wasn't really done to troll the community, though that is clearly the result.
Pathetic cuck.Holy shit. I'm impressed you actually spelled every word correctly in a post. Did you finally go to school while you were banned?
Should change your avatar to match.Cuck cuck cuck cuck! Cuck cuck cuck cuck!
That would reduce the political thread to a graveyard.For the white people's banned word choice I choose cuck
Are you including transblacks?No, because white people would still be able to say it. There's only like 3 or 4 black people on this forum.