Jerle Committed Suicide Today


what Suineg set it to
How do you even handle that, balding and being trans? I'm sorry but that's a funny predicament to be in.
Man I bet Doctors rustle the shit out of some jimmies when they tell the 'women' that they are suffering from 'male' pattern baldness.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I admit the whole things absurd and alien to me. is there genetic differences in transgendered people or is it purely psychological? if that's true what do behaviorists think about it, mist seemed to say that they think the brain's plasticity would let you develop a male or female brain and it's not genetically determined.

Personally, I think we live in a free society and therefore it shouldn't actually matter whether homosexuality or transgenderism is biological or a choice, and I think both kinds of people exist out there. If you want batwings and a dolphin tail that's your choice too.

Is putting faux testicles on your truck biological or a choice?



Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Personally, I think we live in a free society and therefore it shouldn't actually matter whether homosexuality or transgenderism is biological or a choice, and I think both kinds of people exist out there. If you want batwings and a dolphin tail that's your choice too.
so what do you think about people who want to saw their limbs off? you literally don't think there's any disorder or brain defection that could make people do crazy shit that should be treated as a mental disorder?


what Suineg set it to
Personally, I think we live in a free society and therefore it shouldn't actually matter whether homosexuality or transgenderism is biological or a choice, and I think both kinds of people exist out there. If you want batwings and a dolphin tail that's your choice too.

Is putting faux testicles on your truck biological or a choice?

Here's my thing, I truly don't care what you want to do whether it be inject estrogen and lop your dick off or whatever. The thing is,I don't careand THAT is something a lot of these new SJW protected classes cannot stand. It's not enough that you're like 'whatever, your life', they wantlove and acceptanceas something they are not. They don't just want to pass as a woman with questionable features while walking in a mall, they want adoration, self-respect, relationships and kinship and that shit will never happen because for better or worse, they aren't women. That stuff starts with their own personality and mental troubles though, it really has nothing to do with their 'wrong gender' problem. I feel a lot of this 'trans acceptance' BS is that they can't get public affection for their new non-gender. Like they need a parade and shit and their male best friend should date them now. While I'm sure there are hateful people about transgender, how is this different from every other type of hate or adversity you get every day?


I remember spending a few pages talking about depression and hormones and shit with Jerle a few years back.

As someone who deals with constant severe depression and (albeit involuntary) hormone changes, I think we may have had more in common that most maybe.

Though as someone mentioned previously, I often felt when talking to her, that the transitioning may have been more of an attempt to escape her depression than a real... I don't know. I have complex feelings about transgenderism. I know, personally, if someone offered some kind of "out" from my constant, crushing depression and sickness, even at such a cost, I'd have to seriously consider it.

I'm not really sure what I'm saying, but reading this news bugged me. Maybe "there but for the grace of God, go I" perhaps. Maybe I am just jealous.

Best wishes for the next life, Jerle. Hope it treats you better than this one did.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
so what do you think about people who want to saw their limbs off? you literally don't think there's any disorder or brain defection that could make people do crazy shit that should be treated as a mental disorder?
That's generally not a way that mental disorders present themselves. If someone was manic and went and had some horrific disfiguring surgery done while manic, then clearly didn't want that done once they stopped being manic, then that would be a disorder. But that doesn't really happen, because people don't carry out these surgeries on the spur of the moment generally. The worst you're going to get during a bout of mania is a dick piercing or something.

Generally speaking, people put a lot of forethought into these strange disfigurements, and are frequently happy with the results. It's worth noting that out of the general population, these strange disfigurements like sawing limbs off are super rare to the point of not really worth studying in the context of psychopathology. Also, we have modern and historical evidence of pre-civilization humans giving themselves all sorts of weird piercings and tattoos, so it really might just be an extension of the normal range of human deviancy, and not exactly abnormal.

As for transgenders, they get into serious problems when the results of their transitions don't meet up with their expectations, or when close friends of family members reject them because of their transition. That's when the real problems start.


Poet Warrior
Here's my thing, I truly don't care what you want to do whether it be inject estrogen and lop your dick off or whatever. The thing is,I don't careand THAT is something a lot of these new SJW protected classes cannot stand. It's not enough that you're like 'whatever, your life', they wantlove and acceptanceas something they are not. They don't just want to pass as a woman with questionable features while walking in a mall, they want adoration, self-respect, relationships and kinship and that shit will never happen because for better or worse, they aren't women. That stuff starts with their own personality and mental troubles though, it really has nothing to do with their 'wrong gender' problem. I feel a lot of this 'trans acceptance' BS is that they can't get public affection for their new non-gender. Like they need a parade and shit and their male best friend should date them now. While I'm sure there are hateful people about transgender, how is this different from every other type of hate or adversity you get every day?
Thank you for posting this. I feel as though it has been on the tip of my tongue for a while and I just read it in words.

Any human may be taught to socially accept your differences and uniquenesses (I pluralized the word 'uniqueness' to acknowledge that any individual special snow flake may very well have many different things that are unique, and thus, has many 'uniquenesses') but no where is it written that any human must like or desire or find enjoyable those differences or uniquenesses that you have created; and no where is it written that the person you create is, usingyourself as the canvas, necessarily any better or worse than thecanvas was to begin withwhen evaluated in the eyes of any other third party opining human.

Or something like that.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
So a penis is not a limb? Breasts arent limbs?
What point are you trying to make here?

These things don't happen on the spur of the moment. You spend a long time living as someone in transition before any surgeries happen.

The transition is the treatment for gender dysphoria. That treatment turns ugly when someone experiences rejection or when the transition doesn't meet their expectations.

But let's go back to your 'logic.' If chopping your tits off is a mental illness, is bolting tits on a mental illness?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Here's my thing, I truly don't care what you want to do whether it be inject estrogen and lop your dick off or whatever. The thing is,I don't careand THAT is something a lot of these new SJW protected classes cannot stand. It's not enough that you're like 'whatever, your life', they wantlove and acceptanceas something they are not. They don't just want to pass as a woman with questionable features while walking in a mall, they want adoration, self-respect, relationships and kinship and that shit will never happen because for better or worse, they aren't women. That stuff starts with their own personality and mental troubles though, it really has nothing to do with their 'wrong gender' problem. I feel a lot of this 'trans acceptance' BS is that they can't get public affection for their new non-gender. Like they need a parade and shit and their male best friend should date them now. While I'm sure there are hateful people about transgender, how is this different from every other type of hate or adversity you get every day?
Up to a point I agree with you. If someone isn't a close friend or relative or patient or whatever, I really shouldn't have to give a shit about them.

However, that's not really how our (American and many others) society works. We had to beat EVERYONE over the head with 'its okay to be gay' for like 40 years in order to stop the majority of parents from hating/shunning/trying to 'cure'/beating their gay children. So that's where the SJW shit comes in, ramming acceptance into people's heads, because it takes beating everyone over the head just so it'll sink in in the cases where it actually matters.

If listening to some SJWs nag me relentless about accepting people is the price it take to save some kid from getting beaten or kicked out of their home because they're gay or because they don't feel comfortable in their own body, it's a price I'm willing to pay. You're free to feel differently, but I promise they're not going to stop nagging, and it's a free country so you're not going to be able to stop them either.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
What point are you trying to make here?

These things don't happen on the spur of the moment. You spend a long time living as someone in transition before any surgeries happen.

The transition is the treatment for gender dysphoria. That treatment turns ugly when someone experiences rejection or when the transition doesn't meet their expectations.

But let's go back to your 'logic.' If chopping your tits off is a mental illness, is bolting tits on a mental illness?
How many doctors would chop off your dick tomorrow if you went into their office and said you want them to do it?

also lol

Do you ever find yourself happy at news that someone you knew killed themselves? - AR15.COM
I found out today that a particular thorn in my side offed herself with a shotgun earlier today/last night (not sure exactly when it happened, last 24 hours).

She was a mean spirited, nasty, liberal person. I don't feel the slightest bit sad.

She even posted her suicide note on facebook and tweeted about it.

Kate von Roeder on Twitter:


Just a Nurse
So sad. Suicide should never be the answer and I'm sorry that Jerle felt that it was the only way for peace. =\ RIP.