Playing through DQ11, first time playing one of these and am enjoying it quite a bit (about 12 hours in, team lvl 25 or so). However, the music is really starting to grind my gears - the same battle music every fight is getting extremely annoying and as good as this is, it's a pretty big step down from Persona 5 Royal (though that's not much of a mark against it I guess considering how good P5R is).
Really enjoy a few of the side characters, and it's a well written JRPG
havent played most SMT games, i think only Fire Emblem 3 Houses and Persona 5 (no clue if those are related) so should be fun. not sure even when it releases lol
Playing through DQ11, first time playing one of these and am enjoying it quite a bit (about 12 hours in, team lvl 25 or so). However, the music is really starting to grind my gears - the same battle music every fight is getting extremely annoying and as good as this is, it's a pretty big step down from Persona 5 Royal (though that's not much of a mark against it I guess considering how good P5R is).
Really enjoy a few of the side characters, and it's a well written JRPG
I played DQ11 twice (once on PS4 where I 100%'d it, once on Switch where I mainly focused on 16-bit mode and played around). It's a great game. If you're a fan of Chrono Trigger/Cross, DQ11 comes off a lot like what Chrono Break probably would have been if they'd ever made it. The Toriyama designs, time travel comes into play later on, the villain is a bit similar to Lavos, etc.
I agree that Persona 5 is better, but DQ11 is worth sticking with and is probably the 2nd-best JRPG on the system.
In any case, I'm playing Ys Origin right now and I've got a question if anyone knows the answer: I know you have to play both characters all the way through to unlock the third character and beat the game "for real". Does it all have to be on the same save file (like, is there a New Game Plus type thing) or can you play both characters concurrently? Cause I'm getting a bit tired of the story I'm on and would like to start a new game with the other character and maybe alternate between them. I'm probably 60% of the way through the game on the character I'm playing as so I could just power through and THEN start a new game to be safe, but I'd rather start a new game now as long as having two different save files for the two different characters will still count for unlocking the third character. IfIntrinsic or any other Ys-heads know the answer let me know.
Even if you skip all the cutscenes it's still like a 70+ hour game if you want to do everything in it.On chapter 5 of Y7
what a crazy way to scratch my turned based JRPG itch in a modern setting.
took a while to get into (omg long long long cut scenes)
I kinda wish I could find a story chapter summary guide so I could skip a few cut scenes.