You should try the Final Fantasy XIV thread then, and discuss your opinion in detail with Flinch and Silas.Let me know if I need to drop my opinion in any other threads for you weebs.
Genshin is great, don't spend money on the gatcha you don't need to, massive amount ot things to do.Also thoughts on Genshin Impact?
What? Nioh is almost nothing like Sekiro except you can use a katana... Love both games and they couldn't be more further apart. Late reply butNioh is basically it Sekiro but with a much more dark souls like play style. Major difference is that Nioh doesn’t use one large world, each mission has its own map that you select from an overworld. Some of the same maps are used for multiple missions, with different parts accessible with different enemies.
They are honestly pretty good games overall if you like soulsborne type combat. Gear system is more like Diablo though. Never played the original DLC if there was any, but the Nioh 2 dlc sucked. Unfortunately it was what unlocks the harder difficulty and higher gear tier though.
I’m comparing Nioh to sekiro thematically only. The gameplay, like I said, is much closer to dark souls with the differences I mentioned.What? Nioh is almost nothing like Sekiro except you can use a katana... Love both games and they couldn't be more further apart. Late reply butKhalan Honestly I would just skip Nioh 1 and get right into 2.
Chrono Cross Remaster dropped today. However reviews are calling it Chrono Cross "Remaster" because it's nearly a port. Looks like the resolution was scaled up, but as far as remastering goes, they only remastered the 3D character models and left the prerendered backgrounds pretty stagnant. So it's one of those games where all the character models stand way out against the background and it looks weird.
CC was one of my favorite games growing up, and the only game I ever stayed up for 3-4 straight days to play. I still think it has the best soundtrack of any game ever made, and at the VERY LEAST a top five ever soundtrack. So I'm sure I'll get this. Not sure if I want the Switch version for portability or the PS4 version for trophies, because the trophies look fun and I've never 100%'d the game despite how extensively I played it.
IDK though, the port is so low-effort that it almost makes me not want to give them my money on general principle
Straight up port with no optimizations, I hear you should avoid the Switch version especially.
See if the Steam version gets mods to improve matters in a month.
Either a bug or Square trying to remove older verisons of Chrono Cross from PSN with the release of the new one.