it just reminds me a lot of cloud atlas, where the trailer looked really cool but then the movie was a whole lot of "" and a lot of the casting (and the makeup/reuse) was not good. don't get me wrong, i really love the wachowski's and I am a big fan of them taking big risks, but their track record is not good in the last few years and this movie just seems to throw in a whole lot of scifi space opera tropes into a giant blender.
casting wise, again love mila kunis but as a space princess... meh. someone who is more ethereal and supermodel-y (tall, thin, alien-ish) would seem a better fit. sean bean is pretty cliche as the wise old man who dies. channing tat-yum's ears just are too distracting, I'm sick of the movie/tv version of aliens being humans with forehead ridges or pointy ears.