What’s ludicrous about dinosaurs running about forest in the winter? Are you a dinosaur historian. Did Russia have dinosaursThese movies are transformers but with dinosaurs instead of robots.
Also l o l at dinosaurs running around the forest in the dead of winter.
Haaaail nope! Not me haha... I'm not a fan of the franchise tbh as the only one I've actually seen from start to finish is the first. It was a wonderful film that set special effects precedents during its time, obviously, but dinosaurs and the general theme of the film never interested me much to watch the many sequels. I understand the Pratt ones are decent, but still..... dinosaurs. Meh.Avatar bet that Malcolm dies?
the effects/CGI was never a problem. the story was just so stupid and the acting was campy, but not the good kind of campy. i think the problem is there is no novels to base these sequels on. Michael Crichton is no longer with us, so this is just pure contrivance from studio heads checking nostalgia boxes based on the earlier films.The Giganotosaurus in this is an animatronic, like Rexy in the original movies. This endears to me (there are apparently a lot of animatronics in this one, from watching the behind the scenes stuff). At least they seem to be trying to give the series a good send off. Can't be any worse than Fallen Kingdom at least.
Too short?! Isn’t it 2.5 hours lol4/10, mediocre at best. Film is way too short trying to bring multiple character together with their own story line.