Justice for Zimmerman

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I'm not making assumptions at all.
Yes you are cocksucker. You are saying one hypothetical is more likely than another "because I'm pretty sure".

Someone who has never beaten someone to a point where they died from their injuries before(Side note it takes a lot fucking less than you might think to kill a person) decided to ground pound a hispanic guy who outweighs them by however the fuck much a lot actually is. Something else he has never done before today. It's a day of firsts dipshit and saying a particular first would never have happened is a big god damn assumption. Unlikely and entirely possible are two concepts that can actually fucking coexist, ask a lottery winner.


There's nothing more entertaining than frustrated english majors. There's one that writes modules for Pathfinder, I forget his name, and you can really tell from the 'read this to your players' sections of his modules that the dude really wishes he went to school for something else.
I'm glad I'm entertaining you.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
I've never argued against this. Not once. I've made that very point several times.
you're directly arguing against this point because your saying factually he wouldn't have been injured which means you know exactly how the future will unfold which is false.

yes the gun MAY have saved his life it is logical to think this way.


Yes you are cocksucker. You are saying one hypothetical is more likely than another "because I'm pretty sure".

Someone who has never beaten someone to a point where they died from their injuries before(Side note it takes a lot fucking less than you might think to kill a person) decided to ground pound a hispanic guy who outweighs them by however the fuck much a lot actually is. Something else he has never done before today. It's a day of firsts dipshit and saying a particular first would never have happened is a big god damn assumption. Unlikely and entirely possible are two concepts that can actually fucking coexist, ask a lottery winner.
First of all, relax. No need to go all "cocksucker" up in here.

If I had said that a "particular first would never have happened" then yes, that would very well be an assumption. I never said that. I said it's likely, and the evidence supports this likelihood, that Zimmerman would not have died or suffered serious injury that night. Could he have died? Sure. Like Jovec said: "I've been in my share of youth/party/bar fights, and every one had the potential for serious injury and death." But see? None of those fights he was in (or likely those he observed) ever ended in a death. Any one of themcould haveended in a death, but none of them did. Martin was an angry guy beating up another guy, like millions and millions (billions?) of angry guys have done before. Itcould haveended in Zimmerman's death, but in all likelihood it would not have. Am I stating this as a fact? No. Nobody knows what would have happened. Saying "He would have died" or "He would have been fine" are both assumptions that can never be proven right or wrong, but one of those is actually more likely based on the evidence. Take a chill pill, man.


Millie's Staff Member
Zimmerman's life was not in danger based on the blows he received. His lifecould havebeen in danger based on the blows hemight havereceived, but he just got two cuts to the back of the head and a broken nose.
And you still dont get it. The injuries were not the danger, the danger was being pinned on the ground being beaten. I think even you would agree that a fight is over when one guy is on the ground while the other remains standing. Continuing to beat a beaten man is entering attempted murder territory.


you're directly arguing against this point because your saying factually he wouldn't have been injured which means you know exactly how the future will unfold which is false.

yes the gun MAY have saved his life it is logical to think this way.
Nope, I never stated that as a fact. Find me a post where I did. I'm saying it's far more likely he would not have been killed or suffered serious injury had he not shot Martin. This isn't about blaming Zimmerman for what happened, this is about calling people on saying "the gun saved his life". If you want to say "The gunMAYhave saved his life", again, that's fine. Goes counter to the evidence a bit, but it's certainly a possibility. Go nuts.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
The potential existed, THE POTENTIAL, potential damage.

If a bull is charging at you and you shoot it before it gores you, you prevented the potential danger of being gored. but yes it does exist you may be able to dodge the goring, but nobody in their right fucking mind should hastle you for shooting the bull instead of trying to dodge it's horns, because some chance occured that both you and bull could have ended the engagement amicably, the fact remains you had a chance to be gored and shooting the bull reduced your chances of being gored to 0 instead of X>0.

I'm sorry to say this but you forfeit your right to life when you endanger other people's lives by beating on them and smashing their head into concrete.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Tanoomba's still mad he lost that argument to me about the potential injuries Zimmerman could have received, huh?



Tranny Chaser
So you get it now, then. Well, almost. I'm not mocking someone for saying "would" instead of "could". I'm mocking someone for being an insufferably obnoxious douchebag who bent over backwards to be as offensive towards me as possible rather than admit he used the wrong choice of words. Fuck that shit.


And you still dont get it. The injuries were not the danger, the danger was being pinned on the ground being beaten. I think even you would agree that a fight is over when one guy is on the ground while the other remains standing. Continuing to beat a beaten man is entering attempted murder territory.
OK, this was mentioned before but it may be worth repeating:
If Martin had survived his gunshot wound, he could have been charged with a crime, right? What do you think he would have been charged with: Attempted murder or aggravated assault?


The potential existed, THE POTENTIAL, potential damage.

If a bull is charging at you and you shoot it before it gores you, you prevented the potential danger of being gored. but yes it does exist you may be able to dodge the goring, but nobody in their right fucking mind should hastle you for shooting the bull instead of trying to dodge it's horns, because some chance occured that both you and bull could have ended the engagement amicably, the fact remains you had a chance to be gored and shooting the bull stopped that from occuring.
See, you're going in circles arguing stuff I've never contradicted, which is pretty much all you've been doing for several pages. Yes, if a bull is charging you you'd be in your right mind to shoot it. If a hyper-realistic holographic bull was charging you and you had no idea it was a hologram, you'd be in your right mind to shoot that too. What's your point?

It's OK, man, you don't have to assume you're on the opposite side of whatever I say just because I said it.


Molten Core Raider
I'm going with attempted murder pleaded down to aggravated assault, and no one would give 2 shits.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
See, you're going in circles arguing stuff I've never contradicted, which is pretty much all you've been doing for several pages. Yes, if a bull is charging you you'd be in your right mind to shoot it. If a hyper-realistic holographic bull was charging you and you had no idea it was a hologram, you'd be in your right mind to shoot that too. What's your point?

It's OK, man, you don't have to assume you're on the opposite side of whatever I say just because I said it.
You just can't say zimmerman couldn't have been permantly wounded or even killed though, and I gave the reason why a person could be justified in killing even when he didn't have "mortal wounds" or whatever.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Of course! Who's arguing otherwise?
Then what the fuck's your point you piece of fucking shit? Its easy to sit here in your chair and say his injuries weren't life threatening. But when some reckless fucking kid is on top of you and it seems to you like there's blood everywhere and your nose is punched into your face its a whole different ball game. Go smash your face into a brick wall a dozen times please and report back your findings.


You just can't say zimmerman couldn't have been permantly wounded or even killed though, and I gave the reason why a person could be justified in killing even when he didn't have "mortal wounds" or whatever.
I never said he couldn't have been permanently wounded or killed. Never said it. I said it was the more likely outcome based on the evidence, and it is.
I have no problem with the reason you gave "why a person could be justified in killing even when he didn't have "mortal wounds" or whatever". I gave that same reason many times.
Are we on the same page yet?


Elisha Dushku
Well, thousands did show up to see JZ and Beyonce in New York.
Yes "thousands" in the largest metro area in the United States. Unimpressive.

And why? Because blacks in urban areas are well aware that the majority of black on black crime is caused by black men 18-24 and they know deep down that the "a-few-weeks-from-his-18th-birthday" Trayvon was a thug and if he hadn't been killed by Zimmerman would probably had ended up killing someone in a few months or years.

It's only the family, the media and the black establishment that want to protray him as some 14 year old innocent.

That's the real fucking tragedy here. Black youths who are trying to escape urban violence being killed by "gangsta" thugs like Trayvon while everyone turns a blind eye.


Then what the fuck's your point you piece of fucking shit? Its easy to sit here in your chair and say his injuries weren't life threatening. But when some reckless fucking kid is on top of you and it seems to you like there's blood everywhere and your nose is punched into your face its a whole different ball game. Go smash your face into a brick wall a dozen times please and report back your findings.
I really don't get why so many of you are hyper-sensitive about this, I don't. I'm not saying anything even remotely controversial. I've made my point several times, but since you asked I'll say it again: It's foolish to say that Zimmerman's gun saved his life, especially when the actual evidence suggests otherwise. That's it, man. Zimmerman was justified doing what he did, but that doesn't automatically mean his actions saved his life.
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