Justice for Zimmerman

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Unelected Mod
The real victim in all of this might have been Araysar. Poor guy was driven to racism and then given a month ban because of it and then quit. Lets all take a moment of silence for him.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
So I have to wonder. Everyone thinks GZ will just move away and start over and fade into obscurity, and this probably would be true if he had killed a white person, as white people generally wouldn't think of hunting him down.

But I have to wonder if you aren't going to have every gang or hoodrat out there, wanting to be known as the gang or homey that took out GZ. Realistically gang mentality is a lot different from normal people mentality. I would actually be shitting bricks if I was GZ right now, as every hoodrat out there who wants to make a name for themself, is going to be hunting him down. Keep in mind these are the people who kill for initiations, or for a pair of shoes, etc. They have no problem going to prison for life, and would probably embrace the idea of going to prison with to be with their homeys being known as the one that took out GZ. Fuck man, hope hes holed up good somewhere.
Lots of places in the US you could move to that a hood rat would stand out like you wouldn't believe and would get harassed out of town if they even stopped to get gas.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>


Buzzfeed Editor
I have nothing against self defense. I love self defense. In my view both Martin and Zimmerman were defending themselves.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously, do you have some kind of personality disorder?

How the fuck could Martin have possibly been defending himself? Against what attack? He was a block away, basically at his house, when he turned the fuck around and attacked Zimmerman. Seriously, read about the case, at lest a little bit before you spout your mouth off.


Charles, first of all, welcome to the thread and to the Trayvon Martin suicide trial. Now rewind time to 5 days ago instead of rehashing the same fucking shit that was already covered.

You might want to start at "the entire incident took place in less than 8 minutes" and then work your way through "there was initial contact, after which Trayvon went out of sight, all the way to his own house, then turned back the fuck around and went back up the street, all the while talking to Precious from that movie on the phone about how he wasn't going to run." Which really blows the enitre "Oh Trayvon was SO SCARED of the little legumer following him around" horseshit right out of the water. After that, you can google Florida law and how it applies to lethal force used in self defense. (tl;dr: Zagnut is not guilty. Even if he is a pansy that shot someone who was beating him up)
That's the main issue with me. I realize that Florida has different laws, I'm currently in New York and I believe that it would have been criminal act up here for sure. But that's just a total pussy move in my book. Zimmerman played a part in Martin attacking him, I certainly think that Martin would have been scared even though you say otherwise for some reason, adrenalin definitely would have been playing a part in his actions.

Maybe Martin did sneak up on Zimmerman afterward. Who knows why he would do that exactly. Well we know why, he was a stupid kid. I've done similarly stupid things, initiating a physical altercation from something lesser. That doesn't warrant death. It's a stupid thing to do for sure but you shouldn't die over it. Who knows what Martin was thinking at the time but he shouldn't be dead.

In my view Martin shouldn't be dead and Zimmerman shouldn't be a murderer. There's a middle ground there that this entire case has missed. They both escalated the conflict in their own way. They are both responsible for what happened.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Maybe Martin did sneak up on Zimmerman afterward. Who knows why he would do that exactly. Well we know why, he was a stupid kid. I've done similarly stupid things, initiating a physical altercation from something lesser. That doesn't warrant death.
Yeah, well, neither does following someone suspicious in your neighborhood as you report them to the police, but that's the position Martin put Zimmerman in, so Zimmerman had to put Martin in the position of pushing up fucking daisies.


Mr. Poopybutthole
In my view Martin shouldn't be dead and Zimmerman shouldn't be a murderer. There's a middle ground there that this entire case has missed. They both escalated the conflict in their own way. They are both responsible for what happened.
Well at least part of these nonsensical stupidity you're spewing is right. Zimmerman isn't a murderer.

But you really should stop posting, you're either a fantastic troll or a surprise sudden contender for dumbest person on the entire forum. And that's a mighty accomplishment around here.


Musty Nester
What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously, do you have some kind of personality disorder?

How the fuck could Martin have possibly been defending himself? Against what attack? He was a block away, basically at his house, when he turned the fuck around and attacked Zimmerman. Seriously, read about the case, at lest a little bit before you spout your mouth off.
Attack is more of a metaphor for racial injustice in this case. Stop being so literal, you so and so. societal injustice trumps actual injustice. Every time.



Molten Core Raider
Suck on it US media, you fucking shills and cunts.
The blacks and Mexicans in this nudie bar seem to be handling the news very well. Exploitation of naked women solves racism.

Amazing how people who haven't followed the thread pop up now with the stupid shit we've debunked 100 times.


Elisha Dushku
How, WHITE GUILTy are we? Pretty guilty.
And this is the kind of bullshit that created this idiocy. Jim Crow is dead and gone. That idiot Obama was elected by more than half the country. Racism and so-called white guilt are just cards played by Democrats to keep blacks voting for them.

The trial was a sham, whether or not Zimmerman was actually guilty of anything (who knows) he deserved to get off for the manner in which the Dem judge ran the trial (notably excluding so much evidence that would have helped the defense).

As for the riots by thousands of idiots? This is why I own a gun and you should too.
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