Justice for Zimmerman

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Molten Core Raider
Here you go, a real life picture of me.

As you can see, I am a black person.


Bet you feel pretty stupid now, TJ.
That Enter the Dragon?


Sure you don't. Except that one with one post that had 1 plus and negged me. And I think its pretty clear you've been in the minority on this all along.
Wow, the ego on you, man. The only time I ever had an effect on your reputation was when Igaveyou internets. That was when you stuck to the facts and didn't become a defensive whiny bitch when someone pointed out that not everything you say is gold. I don't have an alt. I don't give enough of a shit to create one, and it wouldn't benefit me in any way. Choose not to believe me if you like, I don't give a fuck.

You've become quite used to having this done to you by this point, I'm sure.

I've yet to see myself say anything stupid. I've seen a lot of people calling others racists. I've seen you assert that Zimmerman shouldn't have exercised his right to bear arms and protect himself.

Not seeing a lot of people successfully contradicting me this whole thread.

Go bang out another alt to neg me with bro.
Yes, I have become used to people pointing out when I say something stupid. I've said my share of stupid things on this board, and I take responsibility for every single one. I'm not an expert in anything, and there is a hell of a lot I don't know about virtually every topic imaginable. I even gave you props for pointing out to me the effect the media had on shaping public perception of the case from the beginning, and that was when I still thought Zimmerman should be held accountable for something. See, it's not "win or die!" for me.

When did I assert that Zimmerman shouldn't have exercised his right to bear arms and protect himself? Why are you putting words in my mouth now? Jesus, Hodj, you're falling apart. You've become everything you hate: An emotionally-driven, paranoid raging fool whose house of cards is collapsing around you. Relax, take a deep breath. I'm sure this is just a phase. Once this has all blown over, you'll be back to your old self and I can give you more nets for providing relevant and interesting context for future discussions.


what did Obama do?
He's President so its obviously always his fault no matter what happens. Anyways skipping all the bullshit, the right verdict was made but Zimmerman was still pretty fucking retarded for doing what he did. As far as I am concerned he brought this on himself trying to do whatever it was he thought he was going to do when he went after Martin that night.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I dig the 'stache.
Thank you. I mean, you know, sometimes I like to grow it long, all Fu Manchu style, but in this particular instance, I was on my way to a barbecue with the city attorney's office and had just saved twelve small children from being run over by 15 large tractor trailers simultaneously (hence why no shirt), so I had trimmed it up to be presentable.


Unelected Mod
what did Obama do?
For one, his initial entrance into it. The "if I had a son, he would look like Trayvon", so right away inserting race into a case that we know had nothing to do with it. Also calling for more investigation, after he had already been investigated and they realized there was no case against him (which was clearly shown in this trial).

Now in his latest response to it, "We should ask ourselves if we're doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis", this time trying to bring gun control into the discussion. This case again had nothing to do with gun control. SYG was not used in the defense, it was straight self-defense. Also, the real violence was clearly Travyon thinking that because someone was following you, that meant they could physically assault you. The gun was only used in self-defense.

So yeah, Obama, be presidential and stay out of stuff like this. By addressing this shit directly, he essentially gave a presidential seal of approval for the overaggressive prosecution of Martin and now possibly the DoJ to look into this.

TJ Lazer_sl

Citation required.
lol oh my god Chanur. I want to give you the award for the most cliched.. retarded.. clownass remark in my reputation.. "You are probably the most racist person I have ever met." lol JESUS You do realize this is the exact line for every dumbfuck white privileged middle class woman response for when they get called out on some of their racist bullshit, RIGHT??? "YOU'RE THE HITLER"

And Hodjie.. all the other big time racists of this thread like Chuk and that triangle weirdo etc, they all shut the fuck up. Cause they know they are racist. You keep trying to claim you are not. Take a page from their books. Accept that you are racist trash and shut the fuck up.


Unelected Mod
I am a bit confused at the Hodj/Tanoomba duel. It seems they essentially agree on everything. Zimmerman should have been acquitted, he didn't break any laws, Trayvon came back from his house to initiate the fight. The only disagreement is whether or not Zimmerman would have been killed if he hadn't had a gun. Even then, Tanoomba surely agrees it was a possibility.

So is the whole argument on what probability to assign the death of Zimmerman if he didn't have a gun?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
You do realize this is the exact line for every dumbfuck white privileged middle class woman response for when they get called out on some of their racist bullshit, RIGHT??? "YOU'RE THE HITLER"
Actually, most white middle class people are dying to disprove their own racism, hence why you exist. Still waiting for you to regale us with your tales of trial and tribulation growing up and surviving on the "Streets"

And Hodjie.. all the other big time racists of this thread like Chuk and that triangle weirdo etc, they all shut the fuck up. Cause they know they are racist. You keep trying to claim you are not. Take a page from their books. Accept that you are racist trash and shut the fuck up.
Citation required. I'm a black man and have never made a racist comment in my life. I'll be happily waiting for you to cite even ONE by me to illustrate or support your (completely fallacious) position of declaring everyone else racist as a way to shame them into silence on issues of controversy.

I am a bit confused at the Hodj/Tanoomba duel. It seems they essentially agree on everything. Zimmerman should have been acquitted, he didn't break any laws, Trayvon came back from his house to initiate the fight. The only disagreement is whether or not Zimmerman would have been killed if he hadn't had a gun. Even then, Tanoomba surely agrees it was a possibility.

So is the whole argument on what probability to assign the death of Zimmerman if he didn't have a gun?
Tanoomba's made so many stupid arguments and changed his position so often in the thread he's really been trying to derail it into his nonsense the entire time, my issue with him this time began way back when he asserted that "If Zimmerman didn't have a gun, no one would have died that night" and he's been doubling down on stupid since then. Then he negged me from a clear alt account (it has like two posts, 1 positive and almost no activity) so I'm riding his ass about that, because it was pathetic as shit.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Someone being found not guilty doesn't mean there shouldn't have been a trial in the first place. Casey Anthony was found not guilty and everyone in the fucking world knows she killed her kid.

Having the trial was important. It demonstrates that the burden of proof is high to convict someone of murder in cases of self defense.


Unelected Mod
Having the trial was important.
Having a trial is important if there is some doubt on the facts of the case. There really was no doubt about the facts of this case, it is why he initially wasn't charged. All the detectives that interviewed him believed his story, even after trying to trick him. All the evidence, from phone call records and such, matched his testimony. The only eyewitness backed up his story.

That is why the prosecution looked like such a farce. It isn't that they didn't try their best, it is that the case never should have gone to trial in the first place.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I am a bit confused at the Hodj/Tanoomba duel. It seems they essentially agree on everything. Zimmerman should have been acquitted, he didn't break any laws, Trayvon came back from his house to initiate the fight. The only disagreement is whether or not Zimmerman would have been killed if he hadn't had a gun. Even then, Tanoomba surely agrees it was a possibility.

So is the whole argument on what probability to assign the death of Zimmerman if he didn't have a gun?
I'm with you, I don't get what the big disagreement is.

Personally I think the probability of death would be low and the probably of great bodily harm would be high. It's very possible TM would have played pingpong with GZ's head on concrete long enough to give him brain damage.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
That might have been a valid argument had the State ever had even remotely close to a decent case to make. But they never did.

So all they have done is destroy George Zimmerman's life, taken his family for most of their life savings to pay lawyer's fees, made him a target for life, all to satiate the profit and blood lust of the mass media and the race baiters like the Jackson's and Sharpton's of the world happy.

Again: From the beginning this case was a clear example of self defense, that's why the Sanford PD declined to press charges in the first place.


I am a bit confused at the Hodj/Tanoomba duel. It seems they essentially agree on everything. Zimmerman should have been acquitted, he didn't break any laws, Trayvon came back from his house to initiate the fight. The only disagreement is whether or not Zimmerman would have been killed if he hadn't had a gun. Even then, Tanoomba surely agrees it was a possibility.

So is the whole argument on what probability to assign the death of Zimmerman if he didn't have a gun?
I defended somebody's Facebook friend who said that if Zimmerman hadn't been carrying a gun, nobody would have died. I happen to share this point of view, and the evidence supports it too.

Hodj chose to mock this point of view, insisting that the gun saved Zimmerman's life. I said it makes no sense to assume Martin would have killed Zimmerman, primarily because there is no evidence to suggest that. Hodj, usually a stickler for evidence-based claims, chose to dismiss me outright, claim to not read my posts (which makes it hard to take him seriously when he says I'm wrong), accuse me of creating an alt account and all around attacking my character out of the blue, simply because he refuses to acknowledge he made a shitty baseless claim. That's the story in a nutshell.


Mr. Poopybutthole
He's President so its obviously always his fault no matter what happens. Anyways skipping all the bullshit, the right verdict was made but Zimmerman was still pretty fucking retarded for doing what he did. As far as I am concerned he brought this on himself trying to do whatever it was he thought he was going to do when he went after Martin that night.
So you're saying any member of the neighborhood watch who does exactly what the neighborhood watch is expected to do is retarded for doing what the neighborhood watch is expected to do?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I defended somebody's Facebook friend who said that if Zimmerman hadn't been carrying a gun, nobody would have died. I happen to share this point of view, and the evidence supports it too.

Hodj chose to mock this point of view, insisting that the gun saved Zimmerman's life. I said it makes no sense to assume Martin would have killed Zimmerman, primarily because there is no evidence to suggest that. Hodj, usually a stickler for evidence-based claims, chose to dismiss me outright, claim to not read my posts (which makes it hard to take him seriously when he says I'm wrong), accuse me of creating an alt account and all around attacking my character out of the blue, simply because he refuses to acknowledge he made a shitty baseless claim. That's the story in a nutshell.
I think the more accurate representation is that you poorly supported a true claim. GZ had reason to believe TM was intent on killing him but he probably would've given up long before GZ would've been mortally wounded.
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