Justice for Zimmerman

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Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Wakandan, I might be a pussy, I'm sure dat there be Wakandans who hit da chronic who whoop some ass.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I don't understand why Zimmerman isn't suing them both into the ground. Cities that have riots over this shit should be allowed to sue media outlets that are editing news designed to entice a race war.
My guess it that Zimmerman and/or his lawyers are waiting to see how the suit against NBC goes before going after anyone else. But its been documented that ABC/Matt Guttman along with Ryan Julison are the main ones responsible for the disinformation at the beginning of this case. Sue them all, burn the news studios to the ground, salt the earth.


This thread is getting stupid. Am I allowed to start talking about how Zimmerman's life was likely never actually in danger again? At least that was an interesting discussion.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
My problem with this whole mess is that there are far more important things in this country we should be discussing such as the NSA leaks/ Edward Snowden, and that our rights are being trampled by the government, and several other pressing issues but the press and public is so preoccupied with this case,which has already been decided, as to drown out all meaningful discourse.

Leave George Zimmerman alone and let's turn our attention to other things. The guy was found not guilty and certainly isn't a racist, end of story.


Molten Core Raider
My problem with this whole mess is that there are far more important things in this country we should be discussing such as the NSA leaks/ Edward Snowden, and that our rights are being trampled by the government, and several other pressing issues but the press and public is so preoccupied with this case,which has already been decided, as to drown out all meaningful discourse.

Leave George Zimmerman alone and let's turn our attention to other things. The guy was found not guilty and certainly isn't a racist, end of story.
I really don't think it's a coincidence. Once the trial started it was almost impossible to find much on any other news stories, and aeveral of the posters on this thread couldn't have cared less, but its what was "on".


My problem with this whole mess is that there are far more important things in this country we should be discussing such as the NSA leaks/ Edward Snowden, and that our rights are being trampled by the government, and several other pressing issues but the press and public is so preoccupied with this case,which has already been decided, as to drown out all meaningful discourse.

Leave George Zimmerman alone and let's turn our attention to other things. The guy was found not guilty and certainly isn't a racist, end of story.
Even if the media's bullshit story was true and ZM was found not guilty of racist murder, that story would never be in the same fucking universe as the NSA story. That's what makes this whole fucking thing so disgusting. Its like, really people? This is what we are as a collective? I hope aliens aren't watching this shit and making a judgment about whether or not to cohabitate with us or exterminate a vermin like pestilence inhabiting an otherwise nice planet.

Been watching a lot of bill burr lately, it seems his delivery has rubbed off on me for the moment.


Potato del Grande
Get your fucking NSA shit out of this thread. Nobody here cares about you guys and your fears that the NSA has records of all the beastiality and gay porn you've watched over the years or the stupid shit you've posted online and how it's so terrible. Judging from the general responses of the masses i'd say nobody out there gives a shit either but at least there is a thread DEDICATED TO THAT SHIT IN THIS SAME FORUM.

Back to the zimzam justice. I hope he bankrupts all of them to the point that they're living in vans down by rivers.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
yeah ok pretend like the construction of astarchamber and a secret court rubber stamping assassinations(they are assassinating people identified through this system) is nothing compared to fanning cultural tensions for personal gain.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Well I mean fuck why not just let the government do whatever the fuck it wants then, I mean it's not like that won't lead to wrong places or anything.


Elisha Dushku
well I mean fuck why not just let the government do whatever the fuck it wants then, i mean it's not like that won't lead to wrong places or anything.
There are many people who won't believe they're living in a police state until the police knock on their door and drag them away. When they see their neighbors dragged away they'll just say "they probably deserved it".


Bronze Knight of the Realm
There are many people who won't believe they're living in a police state until the police knock on their door and drag them away. When they see their neighbors dragged away they'll just say "they probably deserved it".
Agreeing with you just feels so...wrong but in this case I do, oh so much.

An unfortunate event, and nothing more {no evidence of racism}, that we can't change barring Doc Brown showing up in a fucking DeLorean>>>a quagmire that has the potential to effect the privacy and well-being of hundreds of millions, perhaps billions of people due to it being the top of a very, very slippery slope in which the government feels it has been given due authority to completely trample our constitutional rights and the rights of persons living abroad.

Hmmm... makes sense. Glad we have our priorities in line.

If we're going to talk about the Zimmerman trial, at least talk about Angela Corey's misconduct and call for her resignation.


Potato del Grande
When did I say let anyone do whatever they want up to and including the government? I said there is already a separate thread for that shit so go cry about it there and I said that all governments kill people all the time. Death sentences, spy shit (i'm sure some of it goes down), war, straight up genocides, etc.

Do you think our government has a right to go to war? That's basically our government rubberstamping mass murder, vandalism, terrorism, could argue theft, etc. Do you agree with the death penalty? Government approved murder.

You think the founding fathers wrote the constitution to protect peoples internet activities and phone calls? You can argue invasion of privacy/violation of constitution/etc all you want but at the end of the day most people don't care because they don't have anything to hide and thus they're not going to be getting fuckin carted off to hidden prisons or waking up to a hit squad in their bedroom and it doesn't really affect them. Same dumb shit as the fucktards who just want to give cops hard times with breathalizers and shit to feel like they're important.


Millie's Staff Member
press is already looking for the next trayvon.
http://Unarmed teen shot inside home..._most-comments
A 14-year-old boy remained in critical condition Friday after being shot in the head by a homeowner who said he thought the teen was trying to break into his house. But police said the teen was unarmed and did not pose an "imminent threat" when he was shot and have charged the owner with attempted second-degree murder.

The family of Marshall Coulter said the teenager could move only the right side of his body a little, but not the left. Doctors told the family that if Coulter survives, he would likely be severely brain damaged.

Coulter's family acknowledged the teen's history of burglary arrests but said he had never used a gun.

Police said that Coulter did not pose a threat to the homeowner, Merritt Landry, who works as a building inspector for the Historic District Landmarks Commission.

Police said the teen was near Landry's vehicle when he was shot about 2 a.m. Landry's friends said the vehicle was in the driveway behind a gate just a few feet from the house's backdoor.

According to an NOPD arrest warrant, Landry shot Coulter from 30 feet away, evidenced by the distance between the blood found on the ground and the single bullet casing outside Landry's house in the 700 block of Mandeville Street.

Landry told police that he approached the boy from his front yard, near his vehicle. As he grew closer, he said, the boy made a "move, as if to reach for something" -- possibly a weapon -- so Landry shot him, the warrant states.

NOPD Detective Nicholas Williams spoke with an unidentified witness who gave an account that differed from Landry's, though the detective did not specify how. Williams wrote in the warrant that Coulter was not trying to enter Landry's house and did not pose an "imminent threat" to Landry.

Judge Franz Zibilich set Landry's bond at $100,000. Landry posted a property bond and was released late Friday.

Landry's attorneys, Michael Kennedy and Miles Swanson, issued a statement after the arrest saying, "This incident is terrible, and Mr. Landry feels terrible about how things have occurred. Nevertheless, we remain convinced our client has done nothing wrong, and we are sure -- as facts come to light -- it'll become clear that Mr. Landry will be fully exonerated of any wrongdoing."

A spokesman for the City of New Orleans said Landry has been placed on emergency suspension without pay, pending the outcome of the criminal investigation.

Meanwhile, Coulter's mother would not leave his hospital bedside. His grandmother and older brother sat outside the family's home on Elysian Fields Avenue on Friday afternoon, grieving and upset.

Coulter is the seventh of eight children. Coulter's 23-year-old brother, David Coulter, said he had largely raised the children after their father died three years ago of stomach cancer. David said he and his mother did his best to keep Marshall out of trouble.

Marshall Coulter, who had been on medication for attention deficit hyperactive disorder, was awaiting trial for "stealing stuff," his brother said.

"He would steal -- he was a professional thief, sure," David Coulter said. "But he would never pick up a gun, not in a million years. He was too scared to aim a gun at the grass, let alone aim it at a person. No way. Before he'll ever pick up a gun, he'll be your friend first.

"He's still a little boy," the brother said. "Who pulls a trigger on a 14-year-old? What if it was your little brother or your sister? How would you feel?"

But Landry's neighbors and friends said they could understand where Landry's actions. They said that Landry, who has a pregnant wife and baby daughter, believed the teen was trying to break into his house.

"Merritt is a friend. I can't blame him one bit," Charles Hazouri said. "He's got a family. You've got to protect your own."

Hazouri, who owns property near Landry's house, said his surveillance cameras captured two juveniles riding BMX bikes up and down Mandeville and Dauphine streets around 1:44 a.m. One of the teens was wearing a blue tank top with white stripes; the other was wearing a light-colored T-shirt, Hazouri said.

Earlier in the evening, a different neighbor said the teen in the blue tank top had been biking around the area around 8 p.m. and the neighbor believed he was looking at different houses.

"I thought about calling the cops, but the last thing I want to do is racially profile a little kid who's just biking," said the neighbor, who spoke on condition of anonymity. The neighbor and Landry are white; the two teens are black.

Hazouri said his video, which he gave to NOPD detectives, shows the two teens talking in the middle of Mandeville Street outside of Landry's house. The video then shows the teen in the light-colored T-shirt walk his bike across Mandeville toward Landry's house. Then, the teen walks back out to the middle of the road before climbing over Landry's fence, Hazouri said. The other teen in the tank top stayed on the other side of Mandeville Street, Hazouri said.

Landry's large dog started barking, which alerted Landry to the teen being inside his yard, according to Landry's friends.

Hazouri acknowledged the potential for his friend to be in legal trouble, nodding to the recent controversial acquittal of George Zimmerman in the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Florida. Zimmerman's trial brought issues of self-defense shootings, racial profiling and Castle or "Stand Your Ground" laws to the national spotlight.

"Unfortunately, I feel bad about it because I hope it doesn't turn out to be another Florida deal," Hazouri said. "I'm a permit holder and a gun owner myself. You've got to stand up for your family."

The comparisons that many have drawn with the Trayvon Martin case disturbed Coulter's brother. "That's a different story," he said. "That was Trayvon, this is Marshall. This is a whole different world. This is my little brother's life on the line - I don't care about anything else."

David Coulter said he hoped Landry would be imprisoned for the shooting. "I want to see a prosecution, not somebody who gets out after a couple of years," he said. "I want to see the system do its job for once."

Marshall Coulter was a student at Renew School Network in the 2012-2013 school year, but his mother chose to send him to another school for the 2013-2014 school year because she wanted to separate him from his younger brother, according to the schools' chief executive officer, Gary Robichaux.

Renew School started last Monday, and Marshall Coulter's little brother has been in school all week. "It's just a really sad situation," Robichaux said between tears, "and we just wish he had been in school this week."
here is a picture of the little baby that was shot, not sure if he thought skittles and watermelon iced tea was in the white man's yard at 3am.
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