I enjoyed this a lot more than the theatrical cut, but I felt like the first half of Snyder's could have been cut down a ton to make it closer to Whedon's first hour, and we wouldn't have lost a lot. There were a lot of sweeping panoramic shots that were either completely gone in Whedon's or cut down significantly. I was actually thinking those first two hours that Whedon did a pretty good job squishing all this shit into 2 hours and not losing too much of significance. Although Whedon's decision to put that whole first scene in where Batman tries to capture a parademon is fucking dumb...he could have easily done a (vastly reduced) version of Superman's death cry and that would have been a ton better.
However, the last half of the movie is night and day between the two cuts. Whedon's is absolutely retarded, and Snyder's is pretty pretty good. Not having most of the stupid jokes and side stories about peasant families and CGI of weird tentacles alone made it better, but also the whole story and execution made sense and was interesting to watch. I will say that I actually was a little bummed that the "Do you bleed?" line wasn't in this one, because that was a great throwback to BvS (even though in that movie it was fucking retarded).
Overall, much much better. First half could have used a lot of trimming and not lost anything significant, but last half was great and I wouldn't have cut too much. I think a good 3 hour movie could be made out of this one if they wanted to. They won't, but just saying. Still, I was fairly happy watching this one (with a break at halfway though) and now I'm a tiny bit bummed that this particular timeline is probably done. The epilogue stuff wasn't terrible, but wasn't great either unless Injustice: The Movie was actually going to be a thing.