A lot of the characters were perfectly cast for the Snyder/Miller style of DC. I was fine with Simmons portrayal (for me its hard to not see the guy from Ladykillers), but also loved Jeremy Irons as Alfred who I feel really nailed the part. Same with Dianne Cannon and even Amy Adams. In the restored cut, Fischer is actually spot on on the darker comic book Cyborg. Batfleck minus the Whedon forced quips is the perfect old man Batman/Wayne. Cavil (ignoring MoS plot choices) is the perfect Superman, if you are not into the Donner movies. Aquaman was a lot better as a grim guy in this movie, again free of the forced Whedon humor. Only character that was miscast was Flash, but even that was better in this cut of the movie thanks to the removal of all the scenes where Whedon turned him into a complete retard. And I agree with Haus that John Wesley Ship is the closest anyone has come to nailing the character, though I would love to see Nathon Fillion in that role personally (but he is cast in SS2). And absent that horrible fucking WW84 agenda bulllshit, Galdot was again solid in her role.
Whedon, as discussed, is incapable of working with anything outside of his Buffyverse style. I think Age of Ultron more or less proves that the first Avengers was the exception and not the rule with him (Ultrom being objectively the worst modern MCU movie, in my view) and thats why Feige dumped him (metoo was just a convenient excuse). The night and day quality of the two cuts is so obvious that only the WB version of Kennedy (and those who worship at the same woke altar) still feel the Whedon cut is superior. I mean, how fucking sad is it that the funniest Flash (Supes confrontation) scene was actually Snyder's and not even Whedon? And that with all the fucking reshot bullshit in just that one scene that Whedon crammed in.
They have a deep seated incentive to quash any remaining remnants of the Snyder version of DCU, in that his work appeals to men on a visceral level. The movies 300, Watchmen, and Sin City were fucking testosterone fueled fucking movies that resonate with normal people, especially male audiences who lay out the most cash for this media. And those people hate that. That's why instead of what fans have reacted favorably towards, we get the shitshow that was WW84, with proposed blackwashing movies of Batman and Supes, instead of building on the success of Shazam and Aquaman.
I honestly thought Disney is where we would see the final showdown between the woke and the shekel counters, but if AT&T decides to dick slap WB again, this might be the arena where it gets fought out first. This is especially true with their golden boy Whedon now getting openly shit on by the entire cast and the massive debacle that WW84 ended up being. As someone here said previously, WW84 was so bad I left my own house. All eyes are now on AT&T, especially if Gunn's SS sequel ends up living up to its hype. The wokesters can keep their CW shit to wank over their Fee Fees. As a huge fan of Frank Miller's work and the darker DC stuff, the Snyder related projects hit the right notes with me and I know I am far from alone in this. I mean I am pretty sure the shitty CGI on Cavell's mustache cost more than what completing this cut did, and who thinks that was money better spent? I guess we will find out, but this is basically a huge casualty to the woke invasion of culture if WB Bizarro Kennedy prevails in this fight, because we can now objectively see what might have been. This could have been a solid competition between two similar but different IPs in the same genre (much like Star Wars vs Trek back in the 70s and 80s were), but instead thanks to wokeness it is a race to the bottom for both.