I know this thread is in the tabletop section but there isn’t another Kickstarter thread so I’m using this one.
Nevergrind Online Kickstarter is live. Made by one of our FOH board members. Multiplayer game that has a bunch of old school type stuff to it. Classes, skills, chat, grouping like EQ. Visually similar to Might and Magic, Wizardry, phantasy star 4. Map like darkest dungeon. All mixed together and with multiplayer. Have always wanted something like might and magic I could play with friends, this one is it. My dad and I had a lot of fun dungeon crawling and trying different duo combos.
It’s already a fully playable full featured game with a lot of stuff going on, Kickstarter is just to add even more to it. I’ve been beta testing it (I have no incentive to write this post btw, just really enjoy the game) and it’s pretty bug free. Any minor bug we find or gets introduced during a major change gets addressed as soon as we find it really.