Using the live->backpatch method I did need to turn off advanced lighting in the advanced display options. I think it was clashing with the way that clip plane fog is displayed. Basically at the edge of vision when clip plane fog begins, my character was surrounded by a solid black bubble. Turning off advanced lighting made that go away.
Inspect Buffs leader AA doesn't seem to work, but Target of Target does. I've seen spell awareness from someone else, so that should work.
You can also delegate MA, Puller, MT, etc. in group as the leader and then align those with the XT's target and target of target features. Anyone given main assist will put a special ring around the feet of their target, arrows surrounding the target's name, and the % of current mob health within the arrows. This is probably client dependent, but it has nothing to do with leadership AA as far as groups go.
Raid leadership seems to accrue much faster than live, so I'm hoping someone gets delegate MA and target of target for raid leadership soon. I'm only at 4 points of raid leader AA so far, mostly from fear trash.
A very few players have had weird issues with their XT windows, and this may be due to the allegedly sloppy way how raids are coded on emulator servers. I've googled the issue and come upon a discussion of that sort. If your XT gets bugged out you can resolve it through your character's .ini file.
There are also problems with raid invites, but sometimes zoning resolves the invite issues. It's generally easier to invite single players than groups when you're being affected by the inviting glitches. So rather than have bugged leaders/members re-log trying to fix it, have the members disband from their group and be raid invited individually.