I'm almost certain that the game doesn't work like that. The other team has to vote a different person in than your team does, so if all votes got cast for Zach, I believe they would make the purple (opposing) team re-vote and send someone else. We wouldn't see it due to editing, but your scenario would never happen, I'm almost positive.I predict that eventually the blue team will get scared of zach (not from a competitive standpoint, from a personal safety standpoint) and vote him into the nerd-off while his team does too, and I'm curious to see how they handle that.
Gollum has much better skin.Zack reminds me of Gollum with the way he slinks around all hunched
Yeah, but she was looking mighty fine in that black dress.Was fine with Katie leaving, she falls apart like a nickel toy every time something doesn't go her way
Debate. Star Trek vs. Star Wars. It was actually pretty entertaining.Was this last one a debate, or a trivia quiz?
They could have easily won the best universe question with a simple statement..."J.J. Abrahms has directed the last 2 Star Trek movies...he was willing to leave that franchise just to be able to direct the next Star Wars movie, Star Wars has the best universe Q.E.D."Debate. Star Trek vs. Star Wars. It was actually pretty entertaining.
The whole time they were doing that, I kept thinking that if I were there, the first thing I'd have asked was, "Where's Ogre?" I doubt he's too busy making Capitol One commercials to show up, and he was my favorite part of those movies!(dinner with has-been actors!)