King of the Nerds


<Prior Amod>
i ror'd too. I'm pretty sure all he said was 'thank you' in chinese. There seemed to be an extra word that i couldn't make out though.

i really cannot decide if this was a deliberate funny or an editor that said, fck it.

also, guess katie does cosplay (would make total sense since she does animatronics, only 1 step away from costuming)

but who would walk on that nasty (i'm assuming hotel/convention) carpet without shoes?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I'm a little sad that Jack didn't win. It would have been appropriately and stereotypically racist to have two Asian Kings of the Nerds.


<Gold Donor>
I'm disappointed that Jack didn't win too, but mainly because I didn't like Kayla at all. We get it, your parents wanted a boy.

I really don't know who I wanted to win from all 11, maybe Geordi LaForge, but I have to think it would have been hilarious if Xander won. He'd have been glorious in his fabulousness.


<Gold Donor>
Haha, that promo actually did make me look forward to it.

If those are the people actually going to be on it, I saw a few decent looking chicks, and if there really is nerd-hookup-drama...glorious! Imagine the white knight wronged by the evil temptress!

The Ancient_sl

The Colby guy was a Jeopardy Champion. I recognize him from way back and he actually made it to the battle of the decades big tournament.


Haha, that promo actually did make me look forward to it.

If those are the people actually going to be on it, I saw a few decent looking chicks, and if there really is nerd-hookup-drama...glorious! Imagine the white knight wronged by the evil temptress!
If you pause the video at 0:38, it looks like the "hookup drama" is two chicks making out.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Hot damn, I love this show. Publicly I harshly judge anyone who watches reality TV shows, but this is my dirty little secret that no one can ever know about.


<Prior Amod>

Ori, 22 - "Larper" - Silver Spring, Md. - Ori puts in 110% to all of his nerdy exploits, with a primary focus on live-action roleplay, mentoring robotics teams and trying to survive as a mechanical engineering student. He also watches "a metric crap-ton" of anime and enjoys excessively bad puns.

Amanda, 24 - "Bookworm" - Gilbert, Ariz. - Amanda is a paralegal who enjoys steampunk, debating and playing the flute. She also has her own book blog and sells comic book-inspired apparel through her successful online boutique. Plus she's married with two kids.
Colby, 30 - "Jeopardy! Champ" - Chicago, Ill. - Colby is a world history teacher and quiz bowl coach. He's also a big-time Jeopardy! champion who took home $375,000 for two tournament wins on the series.

Jonathan, 28 - "Mathematician" - Tempe, Ariz. - Jonathan is a professional mathematician, with a PhD in Industrial Engineering, who uses his analytical skills to save businesses millions of dollars. In his spare time, he plays board games and video games. He's also married to a fellow math addict.
Jacob, 25 - "Quiz Master" - Oakland, Calif. - Jacob is an avid devourer of all nerdy media and is especially passionate about comic books and speculative fiction television. He participates in comedy shows all over the Bay Area and professionally writes bar trivia. His other obsessions include animation, comedy and finding good karaoke bars.

Kaitlin, 26 - "NASA Engineer" - Redwood City, Calif. - Kaitlin is a native Californian who loves the outdoors, the sunshine and the beach. While those aren't usually appealing to nerds, Kaitlin makes up for it with a doctorate in mechanical engineering, work at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and a voracious reading appetite.

Heather, 24 - "Neuroscientist" - Denver, Colo. - Heather is a neuroscientist by day and fandom queen by night who prides herself in being well-versed in many areas of nerd culture. Having entered the online fandom for Harry Potter over 15 years ago, it remains a central part of her existence. Additionally, she runs a critical television analysis blog, participates in the international competitive scavenger hunt GISHWHES and spends all of her free time and money on attending conventions and constructing costumes.

Thomas, 21 - "Brony" - Huntington Beach, Calif. - Thomas is a Brony, the term for a guy who is a fan of My Little Pony. He's also Star Wars junkie with a fairly large Lego collection that takes up a good amount of his living space. In addition, he's into video games like Star Wars: The Old Republic, StarCraft II and Fallout. And he's an Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America.

Raychelle, 27 - "Gamer" - Springfield, Mo. - Raychelle, the self-proclaimed master of all things nerdy, is best known for her works with cosplay and video gaming. Her passions also include anime, manga, comics, horror, Disney and Nintendo, as well as science and math. She also does a mean Predator imitation.

Ben, 29 - "Marine Biologist" - Los Angeles, Calif. - Ben is a postdoctoral researcher studying microbial genomics in deep-sea environments. He considers himself a super nerd whose hobbies include competitive and non-competitive tabletop games. He also has a Star Wars-themed kitchen and Harry Potter-themed bathroom.

Lily, 22 - "Professional Cos-Player" - Denver, Colo. - Lily has a degree in developmental psychology and elementary education. While she is a proud trekkie and browncoat, Lily thinks Westeros and Middle Earth are pretty shiny, too. The perfect "girl nerd next door," she enjoys tabletop tournaments, marathons of PC gaming, competitive cosplay and conventions.

Todd, 26 - "Comic Book Nerd" - Pittsburgh, Penn. - "Todd the Bod" is an inquisitive digester of comic books and pop culture. He is the life of the party, generally putting himself in awkward scenarios for all to witness. He also enjoys gaming online with friends, discussing the latest issues of Green Lantern and building Magic the Gathering decks.

Damn guess that's the best cast photo until later i guess.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Ho ho, a Marylander! I guess I'll be cheering for Ori, even though he doesn't stand a chance with his weak nerd credentials.


<Gold Donor>
I went and watched some of the contestant intro videos on their site, and my conclusion is that Amanda is probably the dark-haired chick in the lezbo scenario. My brilliant deductive work hinges on the fact that she's the only brunette...but even if she weren't, you can tell from her video that she's a big hipster and would probably think kissing a girl was edgy. All of the chicks are decent looking but not exceptional, which is actually a step up from previous seasons where there was always a heifer or two.

No idea who to cheer for yet, because I'm hoping some of them amped up the nerdiness for the promos, and aren't really that annoying. Will have to see them in action I guess.


<Prior Amod>
wow first eps was horrible.
1. they pre-select teams, as a reality tv watcher, this leads to a lot of open ended questions and fuckery unless it's like a theme or just boy v girl.
2. team challenge pretty boring rube goldberg
3. nerd off, only 4 questions to win?
3a. not only that but these were the most super retarded, doctor visit free lolipop, easy anime/manga/kaiju questions.

mainly this episode was pure flash and zero substance, to let ppl watch horribly made rube goldberg compliations and watch 2 idiots in a mascot outfit stomp on some cardboard.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Pretty sure they decided to select the teams to ensure they were balanced, and they didn't get the kinda bullshit they had last year where one team couldn't win a challenge and they kept having to rig challenges with subjective judging to keep the teams somewhat fair.

As for the questions 4 is pretty typical if you have actually watched the show before. But I hated them too because it was stupid anime shit. I knew none of them. I think guessed godzilla correctly, but it was a wild ass guess.

The girls and their plotting just confused me. How did it go?
1. We don't want this to turn into boys vs girls cause we're outnumbered
2. So lets band together and put girls before team to get some boys out
3. Agree who should go to nerd off .... but don't actually vote for them.

I don't know, maybe it was just that the girls of one team played the girls of the other.


<Prior Amod>
it seemed the house girls goals were not to even entertain the idea of a girl v boy, only boy v boy so they could come close to even numbers, just pick any 2 guys as long as it's not a girl and with that, they succeeded.

and no, the trivia questions were just trivia, nothing else. like in s2 when they did the harry potter challenge, you answer a trivia question right, you earn a ball, and then you get to score with that ball. also when they did the star trek challenge, they answered a trivia question and they earn bullets to shoot down starships for points.

but instead this is a simple, answer correctly, move one step ahead, wtf.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I liked the rube goldberg challenge, but I agree that the nerd off was too simplistic. It should have been a correct trivia answer gives you 10 seconds to destroy as much as you can, with the winner being the one who destroys the most. Or something like that.

In terms of the nerds, the NASA chick seems like an insufferable cunt. On the plus side, the girls as a whole are way hotter than either of the last two seasons. The guys seem mostly useless, so I anticipate another female King of the Nerds. I'm going to call it now as either Amanda or Lily.


<Prior Amod>
cosplayers always seem to make it far, since their major skill trait is usually used for the group challenge, and once that's over they are seemingly ignored while the maths/super trivia types are then targeted.

her got outfit looks nice, not the usual ghetto cosplay fabric, but an actual costume.