King of the Nerds


<Gold Donor>
Second season just started. It might just be selective memory on my part, but it seems like the contestants this time are even more cringe-inducingly nerdy than the last ones. Although, there isn't anyone as blatantly annoying as that crying fat bitch from last season either, so there's that.

I'll wait until more people watch to comment much, because I don't want to spoil too much of the first show for anyone, but I will say that I think my initial front-runner favorite is the purple-haired chick just because she *might* be fairly attractive in the right circumstances, and I don't remember her doing anything blatantly nerdy or stupid. That's based on almost no information though, so I could find out later that she's totally retarded. Or psychotic like Danielle from last season. The chicks this season don't seem anywhere near as attractive, but perhaps that was another result of having no one else to look at least season, so they grew on me.

In regard to the Battle of Nerds at the end of the episode (I don't reveal who it is, but my thoughts might still give something away, so spoilering it to be safe):
the person that went home was almost completely worthless anyway, and annoying, so I'm glad it went down that way.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I'm glad this is back! It's hard to judge the group until a few episodes in, but I can foresee at least a few of them being interesting and entertaining to watch.

I was sad to see Kelsey go. Her voice was annoying but she was easily the most attractive of the women. But jesus christ was she uncoordinated. Watching her throw those potions was just sad.


<Prior Amod>
so glad blond chick went home, while others found her regular voice annoying, her "japanesey" voice was attrocious, how could you be a japanophile? or whatever the fuck that is and speak such horrible japanese? i mean sure... she was speaking "white girl" japanese... but she's supposed to love the language? god her chinese was worse. But yea she was so badly coordinated, ugh she was gonna go anyway

pokemon fat white boy is gonna stay a while, why? cuz that's all he is, pokemon white boy, he has zero other nerdy skills.

imo, gay gamer boy is gonna be targeted, why? last years winner (celeste) was a gamer girl, and you know they'll use that soon.

pretty sure next targets will be "creative thinkers", 2nd place was crazy danielle warcraft girl, and this basically means... anyone who isn't book smart, so purple hair puppet girl.

i'm confused, were there 2 fat white girls who like/has something to do with space/rockets?


so glad blond chick went home, while others found her regular voice annoying, her "japanesey" voice was attrocious, how could you be a japanophile? or whatever the fuck that is and speak such horrible japanese? i mean sure... she was speaking "white girl" japanese... but she's supposed to love the language? god her chinese was worse. But yea she was so badly coordinated, ugh she was gonna go anyway
I am pretty sure she has a legit speech impediment. It also sounded like she has a pretty bad southern drawl accent. Those two things combined into one cazy ass voice.

Anyway, I love this show. It is so awesomely awkward and hilarious.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
didn't like that the blond went because she was by far the prettiest. But dammit, I hate nipponheads. Since no one was likely to call her a weeaboo to her face, I guess it's better she's gone.


I just couldn't get over the stupidity in the challenge

You have 6 bombs per run so fucking throw 1 in the first run and then when last to go and needing 250 to win you end up with 3 unthrown.....what the fuck were they saving them for?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I'm going to stop using spoilers since it's been several day since this aired.

I had a similar thought as Kytestorme at first, but I think the speed at which they were going down the zip line made it hard to throw all the potions. They appeared to be going pretty fast, and I can't imagine you'd have much accuracy at all if you were just pulling and tossing potions as quickly as you could.

Anyway, nerds + a physical/dexterity challenge = lol


They appeared to be going pretty fast, and I can't imagine you'd have much accuracy at all if you were just pulling and tossing potions as quickly as you could.
Which I'd agree with to an extent but given how bad their aim and calculations were after the first run it's not like they'd really be hurting their chances to have just grabbed 2 at a time and tossed randomly towards the cauldrons.

That said I was also surprised that at least Chris didn't really seem to grasp taking the forward motion of the bottle after you let it go into account, I'd assume nearly everyone has made a game out of hitting signs with bottles on roadtrips


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Which I'd agree with to an extent but given how bad their aim and calculations were after the first run it's not like they'd really be hurting their chances to have just grabbed 2 at a time and tossed randomly towards the cauldrons.

That said I was also surprised that at least Chris didn't really seem to grasp taking the forward motion of the bottle after you let it go into account, I'd assume nearly everyone has made a game out of hitting signs with bottles on roadtrips
Ummm, no. I'd wager almost nobody has played that game. Anyway, they were clearly stupid. Especially the girl who only threw 1 bottle on the first trip. I'm surprised the hosts didn't remind them they could throw more than one after the first round. It's possible they thought they had 6 bottles total. I know that's what I was asking after the first round.


Hmmm, might be an Aussie thing then. And yeah I was thinking the same thing after her first run but once they saw n the second run they got refilled it would have been obvious you could just throw all 6 in random directions and pray......likely as much chance of hitting scores as they showed


<Gold Donor>
Drama-wise, great ending. That dude's a fucking psycho.

I want to have little purple-haired troll babies with Katie.


<Prior Amod>
holy shit zack is awesome tv, i hope he makes it all the way, he's my underdog.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Zack is pretty much sheldon but ugly, and therefore less loveable.

Well, actually, he might not be as smart being just a fantasy writer, but he clearly thinks he is.

Also, did they say blossom has a degree in neuroscience in real life, or were they giving the bio for her character? If it's the latter, it was very confusing because they used her real name (at least I think they did)


She has a PhD in it yes, like Danika Mackellar from Wonder Years has maths/physics PhD I believe.

And yeah, Zack is fucking insane with no social skills but I have a feeling he's hiding some skills


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
That makes some of sheldon's neuroscience jokes even funnier. Now I realize they just wrote him that way to mess with her.


<Prior Amod>
zack is the best character ever, wow so much good tv from him. i don't care if he wins, just as long as he stays in there a while since i don't really have a favorite anyway.


Zack conquers again! They keep challenging my boy and he keeps sending bitches packing! Every time he destroys an opponent he pops another zit and keeps the scar as a badge of victory. As you can see by his face, he has been a busy motherfucker.