Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)

Jive Turkey

I've been especially picky with movies of late, so take these comments with that in mind.

I watched the opening sequence of the fight in the cab and the effects were so shitty and so obvious, and the massive-seeming, pregnant pauses between each important move and counter move was so off-putting that I had to turn it off. It may have been some of the worst edit-special effects combination I have ever seen in a movie that wasn't obvious B schlock.

All that being said, I really enjoyed the first movie - the fight scenes had the same "pauses" but they were used to showcase the violence and the gore and seemed more appropriate.

I am a fan of everyone in that new movie though - Ralph Fiennes, Gemma Arterton, Djimon Hounsou. I was hoping the bad guy was Peter Stormare (Lucifer from Constantine) one of my fav character actors, but it looks like it may be Rhys Ifans based on some Google work? I don't see Stormare on the list.

Anyway, I am intrigued, if it doesn't lose me in the first 5 minutes like the last one.

It's weird you say this because I started watching it a couple nights ago and it also completely lost me at the opening cab fight. It's like they didn't understand what made the first movie so cool and were just all "WE GOTTA GO BIGGER!!!!111". Turned it off shortly afterward. I just wasn't interested
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