whats the pg13 replaced line?he PG13 version has the "we can do it in the asshole" line cut too
I just watched that version. I was wondering what the hell that skip was. Movie was still fun too watch. I agree that the lisp was easily the most annoying part of the movie. Just ruined the emersion for me whenever he talked. The actor that played Eggsy was the other part that kind of was mehh. Still an awesome movie. They need to have an extended version that actually shows him kicking thier ass in the last scene.For anyone who downloads the blu rays, be warned there is a PG-13 version and apparently an unrated version. afaik its only a bit more violence in the unrated, no titties or anything. The PG13 version has the "we can do it in the asshole" line cut too
not a bad movie but glad I watched it at home, got a bit too goofy at times for me. Still a solid 9/10, but I'd put John Wick, Mad Max, Dredd, and both Avengers ahead of it.
the one throwaway line about Iggy Azalea was also really weird, not sure why that was put in
They didn't do the hollywood thing. Look at the comic who's name is right there next to Millar and Gibbons...co writer Matthew Vaughn. They did whatever worked for the movie as a medium. In the comics everyone hugs in the end. No way in hell that would work in a movie.we talking about the movie or source material? Millar is the source material, he said he did "the secret service" (source material) cuz he always wanted to try his hand at James bonds type stuff cuz he's a Scot basically.
as far as following the comics panel for panel? it's enough (less than his previous works, kickass, and way more than a horrible adaptation wanted). They did the hollywood thing, threw a black guy in there, threw a girl in there, british'd it up w/ the gay knights of round shit, but whatever.