I personally rate Rise and Fall above Days go By, but that I agree is a matter of taste.
And my point is that, no music (from a mechanical standpoint) is not that different from 20-30 years ago. There is more digital aspects to all of it (I am old enough to remember Quadrophonic being a failed fad), but its the same recycled shit. Nu Metal is sort of unique, but its not that far removed from Grunge. Hip hop is still overproduced dick waving by wakandans and flash in the pan teen idols. If anything, the field has actually narrowed quite a bit. And its not like this is the only shit decade of music. Every odd decade since the 50s has had a couple dominant shit genre's that have been forgotten completely (only to come back 20 years later). In the 50s you had some really cringe worthy overproduced pop music (Neil Sedaka being the worst offender) and some truely hideous novelty shit. In the 70s you had Disco and I don't think I have to explain that anymore. The 90s was the produced pop and rap explosion that it took Grunge to finally get out of. Honestly, next to the current decade, I think the 90s was the worst decade of modern music due to the complete lack of variety. For every fucking Radio Head or NIN, there were dozens of CnC Music Factory rip offs flooding the airwaves with total shit.
But where today is there a creation like Ok Computer? Downward Spiral? Full Moon Fever? Melon Collie Infinite Sadness? Ten? Hell where is anything like SNZ's Inevitable now adays? I cannot name a single album by anyone from the last decade (that wasn't put out by an older/long running act) that I enjoyed as a cover to cover experience like any of those, outside of maybe Wolfmother. There is no creative effort behind it, just fucking retreads worse than the movie industry.
There is absolutely more of a "digitizing" sound to music nowadays, sure. And there's a shitload of trash out there when every Tom, Dick, and Harry can throw their shit onto Spotify. That doesn't change the fact that there's still plenty of great music being made, even if it has a "new" sound. People thought Jimmy plugging in an electric guitar was fucking horrible and taking away from the "art" as well - didn't stop it from transforming music.
Hip hop has always been dominated by relatively few artists and a whole shitload of trash. You had Snoop, Dre, Tupac, and Ice Cube who dominated most of the 90s and early 2000s. But you also had "chart topping" shit that the masses loved that I personally found horrible, like Eminem. It's not much different than now. You have great lyricists like Kendrick, Logic, and Joyner Lucas, but "chart topping" trash coming from people like Drake, J. Cole, etc. Again, there's still great music being put out, it's just not your thing and that's ok.
Wasting Light is easily Foo Fighters' best album since The Colour and the Shape and that came out 10 years ago. In fact, it's easily a top 5 rock album of the last decade. Chevelle put out "La Gargola" and "Hats Off To The Bull" in the past decade, both some of their best work since "Wonder What's Next". Manson's "The Pale Emperor" is his best stuff since "The Golden Age of Grotesque", especially the songs "Deep Six", "Third Day of a Seven Day Binge" and "The Mephistopheles of Los Angeles". "Like Clockwork" from QotSA is some of their best stuff and that was 2013. People have already mentioned Greta Van Fleet's "From the Fires", which might be the best rock album of the past 5 years. There's plenty of stuff out there man, it just isn't "on the radio" because nobody consumes music that way anymore.
Shit like Ten, Superunknown, Dirt, etc. became "classics" because the only way to fucking consume music back then was flipping the dial and occasionally hearing something playing at a friend's house you hadn't heard on the radio yet. So, EVERYBODY eventually heard them because your options were so limited. Nowadays you have iTunes, YouTube, Spotify, SoundCloud, etc. It's overwhelming at times how much goddamn music there is and you definitely have to separate the wheat from the chaffe. But, "music nowadays sucks!!" is 100% some boomer shit that sounds like echoes of my father and his father before him.